You may have discovered as you travel this weary road of life that you’re not sleeping quite as well as you did when younger. Gone are the glory days when you fell asleep next to Mom listening to a bedtime story, and then it was morning! “Why?”, you ask (and probably too often), “Am I […]
I Have So Many Symptoms and Have Seen So Many Specialists!
I knew exactly where this conversation with new patient, Mary, was headed (for me). In fact, when I read through my associate Brett Eaton’s intake notes, Brett herself had made Mary’s diagnosis during her first visit to WholeHealth Chicago. She was seeing me for ‘confirmation’ and to discuss treatment. But equally adept diagnosticians are any […]
I know ‘fatty liver’ has an unhealthy ring to it and all-in-all, without even knowing exactly what ‘fatty liver’ happens to be, you’d rather hear, “Your liver tests all look fine” from your practitioner then, “Hmm, need some more tests. Might have some fatty liver here.” Don’t start wringing your hands in despair, eyes Heavenward, […]
Wellness Path To Cancer Prevention 2024
After a certain age, every person fears getting cancer (and believe me, doctors are just as fearful as everyone else!). Being told, “I’m sorry but the biopsy confirmed it. You have cancer,” or “we need to find you a good oncologist,” is a moment you will remember the rest of your life. As you leave […]
“Your Tests Are Negative. There’s Nothing Wrong. I Think You Need A Psychiatrist.”
I hope you never have to hear these words from any doctor. Dismissive and ending anything useful you hoped from a consultation. You scheduled this appointment months earlier. You wanted help for longstanding and unexplained symptoms. But you’re also not stupid. You actually have an idea what might be wrong. You’ve read a book or […]
You Really Should Learn About Medicinal Herbs
It was in the papers and online just last week: women, who have always outlived men longevity wise, just widened the gap a bit more. All sorts of usual suspects: guns, drugs, self-neglect, poor diets, more smoking. But one factor wasn’t mentioned, probably not worth considering by statisticians, and that’s this: All around the world, […]
Leaky Gut Syndrome: At Long Last, An Accepted Diagnosis!
Leaky gut syndrome, also known as intestinal hyperpermeability, is a disorder that never appeared in any medical textbook I encountered in school. I first learned of its existence at an integrative medicine meeting many years ago, and since then, I’ve lost count of how many times this condition has turned out to be the root […]
If you’ve got some spare time, you might want to read two or three articles summarizing the work of Claudia Goldin, the first woman to be a solo winner for the Nobel Prize in Economics. Most involves gender inequalities, especially in marriage and the workplace. The results of which I observe with painful regularity in […]
Over the years of writing Health Tips, I was surprised to discover that one I’d written a few years ago, about vitamin B12 deficiency, had received the most comments and questions from readers. Since there have been some interesting developments in both the diagnosis and treatment of B12 deficiency, and since B12 deficiency remains so […]
As I explained last week, the thyroid hormone is virtually involved with everything your body does. All human cells have a “thyroid receptor site”, so when you have an insufficient amount of thyroid hormone, eventually you’ll get a signal that something is wrong. That “something” can be VERY subtle, and total reliance on a not-very-good […]
“Honey, It’s Your Thyroid!”
Patients, especially women, often possess an intuitive sense about their thyroid glands, whether through shared experiences, online research, or encounters with energy intuitives. Yet, they frequently encounter resistance from their healthcare providers who rely solely on TSH levels and dismiss a broader assessment of thyroid function. Thyroid health is a complex interplay of hormones affecting every aspect of well-being, from fatigue and weight gain to hair loss, mental fog, and mood swings. The key to accurate diagnosis and treatment lies in comprehensive testing and a deep understanding of individual thyroid needs, offering patients the chance to regain vitality and wellness often lost in the maze of traditional healthcare.
Finishing Up on Vaginal Infections and Something About STDs
In our recent Health Tip, we delved into the intricate world of Candida and yeast infections, but when it comes to sheer prevalence, the most common vaginal ailment is Bacterial Vaginosis (B.V., for brevity), typically ignited by a variety of culprits, with Gardnerella being the prime suspect. While B.V. isn’t classified as a traditional sexually transmitted disease (STD), it predominantly affects sexually active women. This condition arises due to shifts in vaginal conditions, triggered by factors such as antibiotics, changes in birth control methods, well-meaning douching practices, and even wardrobe choices like spandex or nylon underwear. Symptoms vary from absence (detected incidentally during routine PAP smears) to a thin, greyish-white, and itchy discharge. A savvy health care practitioner can diagnose B.V. based on symptoms, discharge appearance, and microscopic examination. The standard prescription often includes metronidazole, available as a vaginal cream or tablet, but boric acid suppositories have also been a trusted option for nearly a century. Additionally, maintaining a healthy vaginal microbiome with probiotics can be beneficial.
Common Vaginal Infections, Number 1: CANDIDA
In the realm of women’s health, few topics carry as much importance and intrigue as common vaginal infections, and Candida, often synonymous with “yeast infections,” holds a prominent place in this narrative. Candida, those resilient single-cell organisms, have coexisted with us since time immemorial, occasionally venturing into the spotlight when things down there fall out of balance. This blog post delves into the world of Candida, discussing its prevalence, symptoms, and factors that can tip the scales in its favor. From the relentless use of antibiotics to the sweet tooth of diabetics, we explore the intricate dynamics of Candida overgrowth and offer insights into managing these troublesome vaginal infections. So, join us on this journey into the realm of women’s health as we unravel the Candida conundrum and empower you with knowledge to foster a healthier vaginal microbiome.
The Care and Feeding of Your Vaginal Microbiome
In our quest for well-being, we often overlook an unsung hero within us—the vaginal microbiome. While we commonly associate the term “microbiome” with our gut, it extends its influence to various corners of our body, including our skin and, yes, our vagina. This remarkable microbial community, consisting of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and even parasites, plays a pivotal role in maintaining our health. A balanced vaginal microbiome contributes to seamless digestion, a robust immune system, neurotransmitter production, and even longevity. Yet, in our well-intentioned efforts to care for our bodies, we may inadvertently disrupt this delicate ecosystem. From douching and smoking to antibiotics and unwashed sex toys, several factors can upset the harmonious balance of the vaginal microbiome. In the pages ahead, we will explore the intricacies of this often-overlooked aspect of women’s health, shedding light on the care and feeding of your vaginal microbiome, and offering insights into maintaining its delicate equilibrium.
Hydration and Longevity
Sometime in her eighties, my Aunt Hildy, who passed on at 94 or so, handed me a book, “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water”, by an Iranian physician with a totally unpronounceable name, Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D. She told me it had changed her life. Dr. B. attributed virtually all chronic illnesses, premature death, and susceptibility to infections to the state of chronic dehydration we had allowed ourselves to endure by our insufficient intake of water.
Because Dr. B. also felt that water had curative properties, his work was literally shredded by conventional physicians here in the U.S., where he was regarded as a “crank” and a “quack”. The Wikipedia entry is especially brutal since it’s written by Stephen Barrett of Quackwatch, which (if you bother to read it) seems to have a special loathing for Dr. B. because of his claims that good hydration promotes longevity.
And so the years pass. Dr. B. dies at 74, although his books (he wrote seven more) all remain in print, apparently being read by the well-hydrated, healthy, and generally ignored by the desiccated conventional physicians.
If You Play Your Cards Right, You’ll Live Longer Than You Think.
If you make healthy choices, you can live longer than you think. Exercise, a balanced diet, and avoiding excess salt are key. Consider anti-aging supplements, like curcumin and green tea extract. Don’t forget basics like vitamin D and vitamin C. Stay healthy and enjoy a longer, happier life.
The Predicted Covid Uptick is Back: Here’s What To Do.
In response to the resurgence of COVID-19 cases, it’s imperative to remain vigilant and proactive. Recent events, including a busy Labor Day weekend with increased Paxlovid prescriptions and rising hospitalizations, signal the virus’s ongoing presence. Acting swiftly, even before a positive test result, is advised if you experience mild to moderate COVID symptoms within the first five days, especially if you’re at risk of severe complications. Regular self-testing and monitoring kit expiration dates are essential. Strengthening your immune system through supplements like Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and zinc is crucial. For maximum potency, consider the Immune Boost IV, which delivers nutrients directly to your cells. Stay informed about COVID booster recommendations and mask precautions while remaining vigilant in these challenging times. Be well and prioritize the health of yourself and your loved ones.
Gluten Triggers Visible Brain Inflammation In Mice
Don’t breathe a sigh of relief because you don’t have whiskers and a tail. Our digestive systems, and their immune response to gluten, happen to be very similar. If you’re a new patient at any of the WholeHealth Chicago offices, arriving for help with a symptom or symptoms that may have been going on for […]
Platelet Rich Plasma for My Joints! My Hair! My Vagina! Oh My!
I Just Don’t Feel Right, and My Tests Are Normal.
Readers of these Health Tips know the usual suspects we look for at WholeHealth Chicago: chronic Lyme disease, toxic mold, multiple chemical sensitivities, but to me, as a physician, the most exasperating source of symptoms are those caused by correctly taken drugs, whether over-the-counter or prescribed by another physician. Because when this is the case, […]