WholeHealth Chicago Wheaton

Home / WholeHealth Chicago Wheaton

We are thrilled to bring our services to the western suburbs!

We are a healthcare practice that strives to integrate the best of conventional and complementary medicine in a caring and healing environment. We believe that both health and disease are functions of physical, emotional, nutritional, and spiritual influences. Many health issues are rooted in a patient’s personal biography – the story of your life – and are most effectively treated by addressing root causes rather than symptoms alone.

Our Practitioners

Kelsie Lazzell

Kelsie Lazzell, DC, ND

Functional Medicine Physician

By supporting the basic naturopathic principle of working with the body versus against the body, Dr Lazzell is able to bring your body’s innate healing ability to the forefront. She works with general lifestyle modifications such as diet, movement, stress, and detoxification to optimize overall health while also being able to support you with higher interventions such as direct supplemental support, IV nutrients, and peptide therapy.

Utilizing advanced functional laboratory testing she is able to obtain a complete picture of how each body system is functioning, allowing her to see the overall dynamics of the body compared to individual moving parts.

Dr Lazzell has advanced training in chronic conditions such as mold/mycotoxicity, chronic viral infections like Epstein Barr, autoimmune conditions, and chronic fatigue. Due to working with such complex issues, she has a vast understanding of the contributing factors such as cortisol, thyroid, and hormones, digestive health and overall nutrient status. With her additional training as a chiropractor and certified acupuncturist, she is able to combined a true whole body approach to treatment.

Kristen Halland

Kristen Halland, DC, CCN, DABCA

Medicine Physician

Dr. Halland is a seasoned clinician specializing in Functional Medicine. Since beginning practice in 2010, she has placed emphasis on a whole-person lens to care and has a strong belief that an integrative, collaborative team care model will serve the patient best with her role being to exhaust the natural options as often as possible!

Dr. Halland is comfortable in general care from the natural perspective but has seen particular success in complex cases, the emerging covid long-haul and dysautonomia cases we're now seeing, and GI cases. She also has a special clinical interest in balancing female hormones naturally.

As a post-grad instructor for continuing medical education her most recent courses developed have been on Anti-Aging and Vitamin D.

Our Services

We are currently offering the following services at our Mt Greenwood location with more coming soon!

Infusion Therapy
Infusion Therapy
Natural Apothecary
Natural Apothecary
Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine
Functional Medicine
Functional Medicine
Nutritional Counseling
Nutritional Counseling
Anti-Aging Therapies
Anti-Aging Therapies
Laboratory Services
Laboratory Services
Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative Medicine

Treatments Offered For

Allergies & Food Sensitivities
Allergies & Food Sensitivities
Anti-Aging & optimization
Anti-Aging & optimization
Candida (Yeast) & Parasite Issues
Candida (Yeast) & Parasite Issues
Cardiovascular health & disease prevention
Cardiovascular health & disease prevention
Environmental Sensitivities
Environmental Sensitivities
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue
Gut health & digestive concerns
Gut health & digestive concerns
Immune and Inflammation support
Immune and Inflammation support
Lyme disease and tick-borne illness
Lyme disease and tick-borne illness
Men's Health
Men's Health
Preventive Health & Physicals
Preventive Health & Physicals
Thyroid, Adrenal & Sex Hormone Issues
Thyroid, Adrenal & Sex Hormone Issues
Weight Management
Weight Management
Women’s health & pregnancy support
Women’s health & pregnancy support

Health Tips

Brain Fog

You can’t remember the name of the Netflix movie you saw last night, scant hours ago. That actor–what was his name? He was in, you know, that other movie, with that woman with the hair. “Oh, where is my mind?”. Then you get a notice from Verizon that they’re turning off your phone for nonpayment. […]


Oh, these tick borne illnesses! Since we saw three new cases this week of one you may not have heard of, Babesia, I thought I’d share some information. You know, forewarned is forearmed and so forth. It’s estimated that half the ticks in that summer suburb of Chicago the locals call, “Wisconsin” are currently carrying […]

Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones

Let me start by saying that in real life, endocrinologists are probably nice people and not the arrogant, dismissive and too frequently rude specialists that have been reported to me by patients over the years. One of them, over at the mega-medical center a few blocks away is notorious for tossing into her wastebasket any […]

Functional Medicine
What is “FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE”? and Can it Help Me?

More and more new patients to the WholeHealth Chicago Network are asking for a “functional approach” to their longstanding undiagnosed symptoms. Many times these are digestive in origin (bloating, GERD, food intolerances), but other symptoms are vague: “fatigue”, “brain fog”, or just “feeling old”. They’ve been reading about “Functional Medicine”, but when asked their primary […]


A recent report revealed that there are so many cases of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in the US that costs for diagnosis and lifetime treatments are estimated to be $8 billion a year. If you have PCOS, obviously you’re not alone. It’s estimated that PCOS affects one woman in seven (estimates go as high as […]

Food Additives

There was an astonishing experiment described in “UltraProcessed People”, by Chris van Tulleken. It had been conducted in Brazil where they’re light years ahead of us in terms of food safety. They took a number of volunteers, and divided them into two equal groups, A and B. For two months, each group was allowed anything […]

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