
Home / Treatments

What We Treat

There are many ways to encourage our patients’ healing abilities, including many that are not yet considered conventional. We are leaders in the responsible introduction of new treatments and therapies that we know can benefit our patients.

Allergies & Food Sensitivities

We test for and treat environmental and food allergies as well as food sensitivity.

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Anti-Aging & optimization

A wide variety of diagnostic tests and therapies are used to maximize healthy longevity. Many of the anti-aging approaches are part of standard health care.

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Athletic Performance

Athletic performance visits include optimization plans and counseling for a range of athletes from amateur to professional

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Candida (Yeast) & Parasite Issues

Candida, full name Candida albicans, is a microorganism that lives in our gastrointestinal tracts.

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Cardiovascular health & disease prevention

Diagnostics and disease prevention for a variety of cardiovascular conditions from high blood pressure to cardiovascular disease risk.

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Evaluation, diagnosis and treatment for concerns of the skin, hair, lips and mouth including eczema, psoriasis, acne and much more.

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Ear, Nose & Throat

Evaluation, diagnosis and treatment for concerns of the ear, nose and throat.

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Environmental Sensitivities

There are numerous amounts of environmental toxins that our bodies combat every day...

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Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue

If you are suffering from widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues...

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Gut health & digestive concerns

The essence of good gut health is essentially how well you’re digesting, absorbing, and using the food you eat and how efficiently you’re getting rid of what could potentially harm you.

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Immune Support

Your immune system is your body's protector, tackling viruses, bacteria, parasites, and cancer cells.

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Inflammation can come from many sources and be a sign of injury or disease. If you're feeling inflamed, we can help!

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Lifestyle Changes & Support

Lifestyle medicine addresses the root causes of disease…

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Lyme disease and tick-borne illness

If you’ve been suffering longstanding but otherwise unexplained symptoms, a long-ago tick bite might be an overlooked possibility and you could now be dealing with chronic Lyme disease.

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Men's Health

From specific men's health concerns to optimization and anti-aging, we treat it all.

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Mental Health & Counseling

We find that everyone whether dealing with day to day stress, suffering from chronic illness or dealing with trauma can benefit from taking care of their mental health.

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Mold Toxicity

Mold in your daily environment can make you sick and some people are more sensitive than others.

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Pain Management

We understand, at WholeHealth Chicago, that pain may not be just a symptom of a larger problem and is a medical condition to take seriously.

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Preventive Health & Physicals

We use precision medicine, meaning preventive medicine designed for you and only you, to figure out exactly what your body needs to prevent future chronic illness or disease.

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Thyroid, Adrenal & Sex Hormone Issues

Glands and hormones are most certainly connected in our bodies.

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Weight Management

Our approach to weight management is to get to the root cause of the weight issue.

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Woman's Health

From specific women’s health concerns to optimization and anti-aging, we treat it all.

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Health Tips


You’re tired of being overweight, and you’ve been a victim of the tyranny of the last ten, fifteen, or twenty pounds as long as you can remember. You’ve tried everything. You’ve been dieting as long as you can remember and nothing happens. You exercise to exhaustion, lose some pounds and gain them back. No matter […]


Susan had written, “BLOATED!” in the section of her intake form headed, “What’s the main problem?”. She went on to relate to me how she’d been suffering for years, her stomach feeling like some gremlin inside her abdomen was inflating a balloon every time she ate. When her bloating was especially severe, she looked like […]

Natural Treatments for Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

It’s important that you keep these two forms of painful arthritis separate in your mind. Osteoarthritis (OA) is considered ‘non-inflammatory’ and basically a ‘wear-and-tear’ phenomenon that occurs with passage of time. There are inflammatory components as ‘anti-inflammatory medications’, like aspirin, or the NSAIDs (Motrin, Aleve, etc.) will relieve pain, but so will Tylenol, which is […]

Menopause Hot Flashes: They’re Getting Worse but Some Good News, Too!

A large study from Sweden was reported in The Washington Post that menopause symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats are coming earlier, lasting longer and more severe. 24% of women born between 1918 and 1930 had symptoms compared with 35% born between 1954 and 1960. Lots of data were collected and questions asked. Were […]

Gum Stories

Head tilted back, mouth stretched to the max to accommodate fingers, cotton, and something metallic and vaguely medieval, my plaque was sandblasted to smithereens. My dentist wrinkled his nose and peered inside, cocked an eye, and remarked, “You have very youthful gums.”  I cannot deny my unalloyed pleasure hearing this. I’d been thinking about aging […]

I’m Taking So Many Meds! What Can I Stop? Part One: Antidepressants

Although many new patients arrive at WholeHealth Chicago with chronic symptoms and a history of no help elsewhere (“You’re my 12th doctor.”). Others pour out a bagful of medications with a mournful, “I’ve got to get off of some of these!”. Going off a bevy of psych meds is a popular request, especially when the […]

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If you are looking for specific advice concerning your health – please call 773-296-6700 to schedule an appointment.