Preventive Health & Physicals

Treatments / Preventive Health & Physicals
Preventive Health & Physicals

Preventive Health & Physicals

WholeHealth Chicago brings preventive medicine into the 21st century. You want to know what you, as a unique individual, might be facing, health-wise, in the future. Not the future of tomorrow or next week, but in the decades ahead (and we hope there will be plenty of them).

When patients arrive at WholeHealth Chicago for their initial visit, they’ll often bring a shopping bag (or at least a list) of nutritional supplements they’re taking. Sometimes they’ve done their homework and know exactly why they’re taking them, but many people are just hazarding guesses.

It’s somewhat ironic many people are taking supplements their primary physician should be prescribing: anti-inflammatories like fish oil and turmeric, antioxidants, and detoxifiers. They often, and quite accidentally, are covering future health risks. But they also may be taking supplements they simply don’t need. Likely harmless, but a complete waste of money.

We use precision medicine, meaning preventive medicine designed for you and only you, to figure out exactly what your body needs to prevent future chronic illness or disease.

  • Health profile exams
  • Men’s and Woman’s panels
  • DNA sport, diet and mind testing
  • Cardiovascular and diabetes risk testing


Parisa Samsami, DC, DABCI

Parisa Samsami, DC, DABCI

Functional Medicine Physician

Dr. Parisa Samsami is a Chiropractic Physician specializing in Functional Medicine. She has great success in treating patients unable to find answers in the traditional medical paradigm. She places a strong emphasis on patient education and believes that diet and lifestyle play an important role in achieving optimal health and chronic disease prevention.

Health Tips

Chronic Inflammation
LONGEVITY MEDICINE: Chronic Inflammation and Cytokines

Did you ever wonder why some obese people, after decades of being badgered by their families and physicians to lose weight, out-live all of them and are healthy for decades? Or how someone of normal weight falls over dead in his fifties from a massive heart attack the week after his check-up which included a […]

Longevity Medicine: Take A Family Inventory

If every one of your parents/grandparents/great-grandparents made it well into their 90’s, and passed away with their bodies and minds basically intact, you can probably skip this Health Tip. Something like, “Dad was 94 and had finished chopping logs. Sat on a stump, closed his eyes and just died.” Or, “Meemaw (Grandmom was clearly from […]

WholeHealth Chicago
WholeHealth Chicago and Kids?

Posted 1/09/2012 The short answer is “We welcome kids”. The longer answer is we’re here if your child has a problem and you want to see if an integrative approach will help. None of us is a pediatrician and we really would prefer that your child have a primary care pediatrician or family practitioner for […]

WholeHealth Chicago Apothecary

Our apothecary offers a wide array of high-quality natural products.

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