Fifteen years ago or so was the first time I wrote about the endlessly fascinating multi-purpose inexpensive Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). Among the majority of conventional physicians, the “needle” has moved slightly from “never heard of it” to “I’ve heard of it but don’t prescribe it.” I guess you could call it a ‘guarded improvement.’ […]
Treatments / Inflammation

Inflammation can come from many sources and be a sign of injury or disease. If you're feeling inflamed, we can help!
You can see your factory-installed inflammation system in action when you cut yourself or get a big pimple on your chin. As annoying as the redness, swelling, and pus are, they’re a sign your inflammatory response is functioning well to ward off attackers and keep your body intact.
In the grand scheme of things, inflammation is intended to be a limited, “turn on locally when needed” response to injury or infection. Your body isn’t meant to be smoldering in low-level inflammation day in and day out. Over the past few years, doctors have begun to appreciate that along the road of chronic inflammation, we’re finding more and more varieties of chronic illness.
These include but are not limited to heart disease and stroke, all auto-immune diseases, and conditions of brain dysfunction.
- Diagnostic testing
- Nutrition counseling
- Nutritional supplements
- Lifestyle changes
- Infusion therapy
- Peptide therapy
- Acupuncture
- Homeopathy
David Edelberg, MD
Medical Director & Internal Medicine Physician
Dr. Edelberg, board certified in Internal Medicine in 1974, began incorporating alternative therapies into his practice during the 1980’s. Since founding the parent company of WholeHealth Chicago in 1993, he has become nationally recognized as one of the pioneers of integrative medicine, the new medical specialty combining conventional medicine with alternative therapies.
Parisa Samsami, DC, DABCI
Functional Medicine Physician
Dr. Parisa Samsami is a Chiropractic Physician specializing in Functional Medicine. She has great success in treating patients unable to find answers in the traditional medical paradigm. She places a strong emphasis on patient education and believes that diet and lifestyle play an important role in achieving optimal health and chronic disease prevention.
Sujatha Mannal
Homeopathic Medicine
Sujatha holds a Bachelor in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS) degree from Calcutta, India, from the oldest existing homeopathic college in the world. This was a 5-year integrated medical program with 2-year residency, teaching homeopathy with allied medical sciences like Anatomy, Physiology, etc. including nutrition. She has continued her homeopathic training with renowned teachers from the US, Europe and India.
Health Tips
Don’t breathe a sigh of relief because you don’t have whiskers and a tail. Our digestive systems, and their immune response to gluten, happen to be very similar. If you’re a new patient at any of the WholeHealth Chicago offices, arriving for help with a symptom or symptoms that may have been going on for […]
Readers of these Health Tips know the usual suspects we look for at WholeHealth Chicago: chronic Lyme disease, toxic mold, multiple chemical sensitivities, but to me, as a physician, the most exasperating source of symptoms are those caused by correctly taken drugs, whether over-the-counter or prescribed by another physician. Because when this is the case, […]
Back in 2011, I wrote a Health Tip entitled, “Physicians as Morons”, whose title over the years I have come to regret, the unpleasantness of name-calling and all. You can read about this case here, but it’s just easier if I summarize it. A young woman had contacted me for help with the unusual diagnosis […]
I sometimes wonder if new patients to WholeHealth Chicago think we’re overly preoccupied with their digestion, gut health, nutrition, and even the consistency and quality of their stool when they scheduled that appointment for a seemingly unrelated problem. We certainly treat a large variety of health concerns: anti-aging and disease prevention, dermatologic problems, chronic fatigue, […]