Never heard of this one, right? A real mouthful to pronounce, too. ‘Abdomino’ is easy. ‘Phrenic’ is the nerve from your spinal cord attached to your diaphragm, the large muscle that separates your lungs from your abdomen. Your phrenic nerve controls breathing. ‘Dyssynergy’ simply means things are functioning out-of-whack. More and more gastroenterologists have come […]
Gut Health & Digestive Concerns
Treatments / Gut Health & Digestive Concerns

Gut Health & Digestive Concerns
Evaluation, diagnosis and treatment for concerns of the skin, hair, lips and mouth including eczema, psoriasis, acne and much more.
The essence of good gut health is essentially how well you’re digesting, absorbing, and using the food you eat and how efficiently you’re getting rid of what could potentially harm you.
Whatever you’re eating–even if it’s junk–your gut is trying its very best to absorb from it what you require to function efficiently. It’s also protecting you from infection, allergens, and toxins in food.
By eating healthfully, you’re supporting the whole process. Eat junk and your gut has to work overtime to keep you alive, ultimately becoming weaker and weaker for lack of nutrients. Do right by your gut and it will repay you many times over. At WholeHealth Chicago, we generally begin your healing process by healing your gut.
At WholeHealth Chicago, we generally begin your healing process by healing your gut.
- Diagnostic testing
- Nutritional counseling
- Nutritional supplements
- Infusion therapy
- Acupuncture
- Traditional chinese medicine
- Homeopathy
David Edelberg, MD
Medical Director & Internal Medicine Physician
Dr. Edelberg, board certified in Internal Medicine in 1974, began incorporating alternative therapies into his practice during the 1980’s. Since founding the parent company of WholeHealth Chicago in 1993, he has become nationally recognized as one of the pioneers of integrative medicine, the new medical specialty combining conventional medicine with alternative therapies.
Parisa Samsami, DC, DABCI
Functional Medicine Physician
Dr. Parisa Samsami is a Chiropractic Physician specializing in Functional Medicine. She has great success in treating patients unable to find answers in the traditional medical paradigm. She places a strong emphasis on patient education and believes that diet and lifestyle play an important role in achieving optimal health and chronic disease prevention.
Sujatha Mannal
Homeopathic Medicine
Sujatha holds a Bachelor in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS) degree from Calcutta, India, from the oldest existing homeopathic college in the world. This was a 5-year integrated medical program with 2-year residency, teaching homeopathy with allied medical sciences like Anatomy, Physiology, etc. including nutrition. She has continued her homeopathic training with renowned teachers from the US, Europe and India.
Health Tips
My 50 year old patient related the following history: “The diarrhea started in my teens and has dominated my life. It got worse when I went away to college, stress was my first trigger, final exams, a date, then almost anything could trigger it. Imagine trying to find a toilet at a Big Ten football […]
Two or more women chatting together have no problems discussing when the topic comes to menstrual cycles, labor, delivery, a new gynecologist. Men, who visit doctors less often anyway, gab on about wrenched back muscles from a golf swing and a ‘great’ personal trainer. They’ll lower their voices an octave or two if the topic […]
Last week, I talked about how naturopathic and functional medicine experts often start the healing journey (and aim to prevent future health issues) by focusing on the 30-foot digestive tract running from your mouth to your anus. The essence of good gut health is essentially how well you’re digesting, absorbing, and using the food you […]
About 25 years ago, when I was organizing what today is WholeHealth Chicago, I attempted to learn everything I could about all the fields of what was then called alternative medicine. Since naturopathic medicine, or naturopathy, didn’t really exist in Illinois (perpetually blocked by the Illinois State Medical Society), I flew to the west coast […]