As a woman, unless you undergo the ‘instant menopause’ of a total hysterectomy, anticipate your own menopause transition in one of three ways. First, there’s “Menopause Heaven.” Your periods will lighten, become erratic, then stop altogether. A year goes by, and you’ll say, “Oh, so that was menopause. I wonder what everyone is complaining about.” […]
Thyroid, Adrenal & Sex Hormone Issues
Treatments / Thyroid, Adrenal & Sex Hormone Issues

Thyroid, Adrenal & Sex Hormone Issues
Glands and hormones are most certainly connected in our bodies; this is the case when it comes to thyroid, adrenal and hormone issues.
Your adrenals are actually two separate glands. The first, called the medulla, is within, surrounded by the second, the adrenal cortex. Envision a plum. The seed of the plum is the medulla, the fruit the cortex. Both the medulla and the cortex are your front-line responders to stress. However, the medulla, connected to your brain and nervous system, is your first responder and it works really fast.
The adrenal cortex, indirectly connected to your brain through the pituitary–the master gland that also controls your thyroid and ovaries (or testicles, depending)–is the slower, second responder. The cortex deals with chronic stress, and its several hormones regulate metabolism (especially glucose for energy), reduce inflammation, and control blood pressure by balancing sodium.
Your adrenal cortex is good for a day’s work before it needs to be charged up at night. Think of it as a one-day battery you recharge during sleep. Its hormone, cortisol, starts the day at a high level and then dwindles out by evening. It trusts that you’ll sleep at night in order for it to be at the top of its game in the morning.
At WholeHealth Chicago, we understand that getting your thyroid, adrenals and hormones working properly, and not too hard, is very important and can change your daily life.
We can work with you to diagnose the root of your issue and put together a treatment plan that will get you feeling back to normal!
- Diagnostic testing
- Nutritional Supplements & Herbal Remedies
- Nutrition counseling
- Bioidentical hormone replacement
David Edelberg, MD
Medical Director & Internal Medicine Physician
Dr. Edelberg, board certified in Internal Medicine in 1974, began incorporating alternative therapies into his practice during the 1980’s. Since founding the parent company of WholeHealth Chicago in 1993, he has become nationally recognized as one of the pioneers of integrative medicine, the new medical specialty combining conventional medicine with alternative therapies.
Parisa Samsami, DC, DABCI
Functional Medicine Physician
Dr. Parisa Samsami is a Chiropractic Physician specializing in Functional Medicine. She has great success in treating patients unable to find answers in the traditional medical paradigm. She places a strong emphasis on patient education and believes that diet and lifestyle play an important role in achieving optimal health and chronic disease prevention.
Health Tips
As I explained last week, the thyroid hormone is virtually involved with everything your body does. All human cells have a “thyroid receptor site”, so when you have an insufficient amount of thyroid hormone, eventually you’ll get a signal that something is wrong. That “something” can be VERY subtle, and total reliance on a not-very-good […]
Patients, especially women, often possess an intuitive sense about their thyroid glands, whether through shared experiences, online research, or encounters with energy intuitives. Yet, they frequently encounter resistance from their healthcare providers who rely solely on TSH levels and dismiss a broader assessment of thyroid function. Thyroid health is a complex interplay of hormones affecting every aspect of well-being, from fatigue and weight gain to hair loss, mental fog, and mood swings. The key to accurate diagnosis and treatment lies in comprehensive testing and a deep understanding of individual thyroid needs, offering patients the chance to regain vitality and wellness often lost in the maze of traditional healthcare.
Two thyroid facts worth knowing: You’ve shown up for your usual ten minute, quick glance billed to your insurer as an in-depth primary care office visit. You’re allowed to talk about one problem only, and so you present the symptoms of hypothyroidism every doctor and nurse practitioner should be able to recite in their sleep. […]
In middle age, men will begin very slowly to notice a group of symptoms attributable to the decline of their male hormone testosterone. The medical term for this is “andropause” sometimes called “male menopause.” I see billboards along the expressways referred to “low T.” Here’s andropause: a loss of your sex drive (libido); erectile dysfunction; […]