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A surprising number of so-called alternative therapies actually have their roots in very conservative conventional medicine. While reflexology (once called Zone Therapy) is arguably thousands of years old, its modern use was made popular by an ear-nose-throat specialist who used the pressure from rubber bands applied to the fingers and toes for surgical anesthesia.  The […]

A New Treatment For Chronic Anxiety

Far and away, the most common mental illness troubling the human animal is Generalized Anxiety Disorder, which can make life really miserable for almost 25% of women and 15% of men. When it’s not “chronic”, i.e., with you all the time, a little anxiety is actually useful. You feel a little anxious when you’re deciding […]

Prevention/Treatment Of All Chronic Illnesses

Here at WholeHealth Chicago we’re introducing a bevy of new treatments aimed at preventing and even treating virtually all chronic symptoms and disease illnesses, the ‘bad stuff’ life can throw you when you least expect it during the decades ahead. “Wait! Hold on!”, you splutter. “Do you actually mean ‘all’ diseases?”. “Yes, let me explain.” […]

Peptides For Longevity

Our WholeHealth Chicago patients are a different breed. Take a glance around our waiting room or apothecary to see what a patient population engaged in maintaining good health actually looks like. Even the beginners, perhaps overweight or out of shape, are working on self improvement. The office abounds with people turning over their new leaves. […]

Peptides As Aphrodisiacs (Big Pharma Rescues Your Sex Life)

It seems that men wanted to control female sexuality since the dawn of time.  “Aphrodisiacs” (named after Aphrodite, Greek goddess of love and desire) appear in the medical writings of ancient Greece, and in Chinese medicine a combination of acupuncture and herbs apparently worked wonders. Ayurvedic practitioners may have suspected that spinal chiropractic manipulation was […]

More Information on the New Weight Loss Meds

In last week’s Health Tip I introduced you to the semaglutides, the weekly injectable medications originally approved by the FDA for Type 2 diabetes, but when it was discovered how many users were losing 20% of their weight, began getting quick approval for “obesity”. Both the New York Times and the Washington Post reprinted older […]

Peptides for Weight Loss: What You Need To Know

You’re tired of being overweight, and now you’re teetering toward actual ‘obesity’. You’ve tried everything. You’ve been dieting as long as you can remember and nothing happens. You starve yourself, exercise to exhaustion, lose some pounds and gain them back. No matter what you do, your ‘tummy’ is still there. You know you’re not alone. […]

Peptide Therapy: Thymosin and BPC-157

Honestly, if you Google ‘peptide therapy’, you’ll get overwhelmed by TMI (‘too much information’). Then you might be put off by claims that sound terrific (“Burn fat! Combat mental decline!” “Heal wounds! Reverse aging!”) but then make you feel, well, skeptical. Let’s face it, we’d all like ‘enhanced fat burning,’ ‘better wound healing’, ‘smoother skin’, […]

Anti-Aging Medicine: Testosterone For Men, And Yes, It Really Works

In middle age, you, as a man, or your sexual partner (keeping this observation to her/himself), will likely start to notice a group of symptoms due to a slow but inevitable decline of your male hormone testosterone. As the movie director Martin Scorsese put it well, “Sex becomes memory.” Not necessarily. Not by a long […]

Anti-Aging Therapies: Carl Bogaard, Hormones, and Peptides

Before I get into today’s details about longevity medicine–lab tests, hormones, peptides, and the like—let’s pause and reflect on Carl Bogaard, who died August 7 at age 103. Mr. Bogaard was famous as a fitness buff, doing dozens of pushups daily, even at 102 years old. He seemed like a good guy who also took […]

Anti-Aging Peptide Therapy

Ask ten people to define peptide therapy and it’s doubtful you’ll get a coherent response. Search for it online and you’ll be overwhelmed by information and likely put off by claims that sound too good to be true (“Burn fat! Combat mental decline!). Let’s face it, we’d all like to enhance fat burning, slow aging, […]

Yoga Therapy for Digestive Health

I’m no yoga expert, so this week’s Health Tip comes from Renee Zambo, WholeHealth Chicago’s yoga therapist. Dr E The belly is one of the most sensitive areas of our bodies. Situated at the center of our being, literally forming our core, it’s lined with hundreds of millions of nerve endings and affects everything from […]