Actually, after many years, the term has been changed to a more politically correct one: Illness Anxiety Disorder. Naturally, some degree of anxiety is totally appropriate when you are confronted with anything that might bring you protracted physical discomfort or shorten your precious lifespan (“Could this be it? The top line item on my Death […]
Okay, so this Health Tip seems pretty important. After a certain age, every person fears getting cancer (and believe me, doctors are just as fearful as everyone else!). Being told by a health care professional, “I’m sorry but the biopsy confirmed it. You have cancer,” or “We need to find you a good oncologist.”, that […]
You’re tired of being overweight, and you’ve been a victim of the tyranny of the last ten, fifteen, or twenty pounds as long as you can remember. You’ve tried everything. You’ve been dieting as long as you can remember and nothing happens. You exercise to exhaustion, lose some pounds and gain them back. No matter […]
Susan had written, “BLOATED!” in the section of her intake form headed, “What’s the main problem?”. She went on to relate to me how she’d been suffering for years, her stomach feeling like some gremlin inside her abdomen was inflating a balloon every time she ate. When her bloating was especially severe, she looked like […]
Natural Treatments for Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
It’s important that you keep these two forms of painful arthritis separate in your mind. Osteoarthritis (OA) is considered ‘non-inflammatory’ and basically a ‘wear-and-tear’ phenomenon that occurs with passage of time. There are inflammatory components as ‘anti-inflammatory medications’, like aspirin, or the NSAIDs (Motrin, Aleve, etc.) will relieve pain, but so will Tylenol, which is […]
Menopause Hot Flashes: They’re Getting Worse but Some Good News, Too!
A large study from Sweden was reported in The Washington Post that menopause symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats are coming earlier, lasting longer and more severe. 24% of women born between 1918 and 1930 had symptoms compared with 35% born between 1954 and 1960. Lots of data were collected and questions asked. Were […]
Head tilted back, mouth stretched to the max to accommodate fingers, cotton, and something metallic and vaguely medieval, my plaque was sandblasted to smithereens. My dentist wrinkled his nose and peered inside, cocked an eye, and remarked, “You have very youthful gums.” I cannot deny my unalloyed pleasure hearing this. I’d been thinking about aging […]
I’m Taking So Many Meds! What Can I Stop? Part One: Antidepressants
Although many new patients arrive at WholeHealth Chicago with chronic symptoms and a history of no help elsewhere (“You’re my 12th doctor.”). Others pour out a bagful of medications with a mournful, “I’ve got to get off of some of these!”. Going off a bevy of psych meds is a popular request, especially when the […]
Reversing Cognitive Decline and Preventing Alzheimer’s
You saw a movie last week and in discussing it with friends simply can’t remember the important parts. Plus you just missed another appointment. Planning to drive to a north suburb, you instead got on the southbound expressway and after 15 minutes of Loop traffic realized your error. You’re mixing up words and forgetting too […]
”Leaky Brain” the True Villain Behind “Brain Fog”
In the physiology and neurology classes of medical school, you learn a lot about the importance of something called the “blood brain barrier”. You’ve seen blood, of course. The bright red liquid carrying oxygen, nutrients, etc., etc. But your brain and spinal fluid should always be crystal clear, unless infected or inflamed. Separating blood from […]
After a certain age, every person, doctors included, fears getting cancer. Hearing words like, “I see something worrisome on your pancreas” or “this could be leukemia” is a moment you will remember forever. You leave the doctor’s office utterly stunned and wondering “how long have I got?” and asking yourself “what could I have done […]
Last week, when I mentioned discussing meds for pre-diabetes (HbA1c 5.7-6.4) or diabetes (6.5 and higher), I thought, “Wait a minute. Health Tip readers really don’t want meds. They do want to try lifestyle changes and herbs first.” As you may remember, your unhealthy, high carb-high sugar lifestyle is exhausting your pancreas, the source of […]
Last week, I talked about the importance of getting your act together if you learn you have pre-diabetes. This is when your body can’t handle excess sugar (glucose) and something has gone wrong with the control system, namely insulin, which lowers glucose, from your pancreas, which produces insulin. Remember, one adult in three is pre-diabetic […]
Turning the Winter Blues Around: A 10-Step Action Plan
The winter blues, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), usually begin when the days get shorter and the sky clouds over into perpetual gray. Many people with SAD dread late autumn because the clocks move back an hour and, in a single day, autumn twilight becomes dark night. Symptoms of SAD include depression, brain […]
When I was in medical school, I was repeatedly told, “If you learn ‘diabetes’, you’ll learn all you’ll need to be a good doctor.” I soon learned the basis of this cryptic sentence was that diabetes, whether Type 1 (childhood) or Type 2 (the far more common adult onset), if left unchecked, could go on […]
What is Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and Can It Help Me?
Fifteen years ago or so was the first time I wrote about the endlessly fascinating multi-purpose inexpensive Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). Among the majority of conventional physicians, the “needle” has moved slightly from “never heard of it” to “I’ve heard of it but don’t prescribe it.” I guess you could call it a ‘guarded improvement.’ […]
High on the wish list (probably highest, actually) of a new patient coming into WholeHealth Chicago for “wellness” is not just “longevity” but “longevity plus ‘brains/wit/wisdom’”, a la Betty White, Norman Lear, George Burns, actor Mike Nussbaum. So let’s talk “brain” and say you’re in one of these four situations: For everyone listed above, 1 […]
Some Easy New Year’s Resolutions for Longevity
Now that we’ve entered another New Year, here are a few REALLY EASY resolutions that will boost your health and likely to prolong your life. If I’m wrong, and you find yourself unexpectedly on the underside of the sod, call me for a full refund. No questions asked. You probably never called it that but […]
You Can Get Better Sleep
You may have discovered as you travel this weary road of life that you’re not sleeping quite as well as you did when younger. Gone are the glory days when you fell asleep next to Mom listening to a bedtime story, and then it was morning! “Why?”, you ask (and probably too often), “Am I […]
I Have So Many Symptoms and Have Seen So Many Specialists!
I knew exactly where this conversation with new patient, Mary, was headed (for me). In fact, when I read through my associate Brett Eaton’s intake notes, Brett herself had made Mary’s diagnosis during her first visit to WholeHealth Chicago. She was seeing me for ‘confirmation’ and to discuss treatment. But equally adept diagnosticians are any […]