Click here for the original post. One of the most common wintertime phone calls/office visits/e-mails I receive from my patients is the desperate need for something (namely, an antibiotic) for self-diagnosed sinus infection. Most people are quite good at making this diagnosis. Typical sinusitis develops a week after a cold that almost seemed to go […]
Staying Smart
Click here for the original post. Readers of this newsletter age 40 and up have, to a person, one perpetually lurking fear: that they will they get dumber with each passing decade. You suddenly go blank trying to locate the right word or match a name with a familiar face. Or you walk into your […]
Q&A: Chiropractor for Son’s Back Pain
Click here for the original post. Q: My 12-year-old son is really into sports. Josh wrenched his back playing soccer last week and still has some pain, though it’s milder with the ibuprofen I gave him. I’ve been treated very successfully by a chiropractor for my own back pain and was wondering if you thought […]
More on Lyrica, the Fibromyalgia Drug
Click here for the original post. Several readers sent me a link to this New York Times article about fibromyalgia and the newly approved drug Lyrica. The article addresses a continuing (and unnecessary) controversy about fibromyalgia. Namely, whether fibro is a “real” disease that deserves its own medication and, alternatively, if it’s not a disease […]
Anger, Part 2
While you’ll probably never be able rid your world of people or incidents that enrage you, you can learn to control your reaction to them. Here are a few tips to help you get started: • Think before you speak. When you feel yourself entering into anger, pause. The ancient Greeks tell us that the […]
Today’s tip and Wednesday’s are adapted from my book, The Triple Whammy Cure. Anger is one of those everyday emotions that we’re stuck with because we’re human. In the long run, anger serves no useful purpose and we’re all better off without it. If you put the brakes on an episode of anger and thoughtfully […]
Click here for the original post. For our new January newsletter readers, let’s review my PMS prescription, explained in far greater detail in The Triple Whammy Cure. When you feel crummy, you’re menstruating, AND your symptoms appear predictably on a monthly (or every-other-month) basis, the problem is definitely hormonal and definitely fixable. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) […]
A Solid Thumbs-Up on Nutritional Supplements
Click here for the original post. Every morning and evening for more years than I like to ponder, I reach for my two vitamin trays (yes, I need two), mentally check that I’m not taking them on an empty stomach, and dutifully swallow my eighteen pills and capsules, plus an aspirin. That’s 37 a day. […]
Stress Less: Acupuncture
Click here for the original post. It’s pitch dark in your living room. You bang your shin hard against the edge of a coffee table, and momentarily you actually see stars. You reach down and rub the sore spot; within seconds you actually feel a little better. Although you may not be aware of it, […]
Q&A: Alcohol and Breast Cancer
Click here for the original post. Q: I wanted to ask your opinion on the recent research that shows drinking even moderately can raise a woman’s chance of getting breast cancer by 30 percent. I enjoy my nightly wine, and this new information really has me wondering. A: When you’ve been in practice as long […]
Fear Factor
Posted 01/09/2008 Readers of this newsletter regularly hear about the dangers of stress to their health. We experience the emotional and physical reaction known as stress whenever we’re in a situation where we can’t control the course of our lives. The minor stresses (late for an appointment, a botched recipe) are unavoidable, part of life […]
Q&A: Flu Shot
Click here for the original post. Q: Hi Dr Edelberg. I’m a semi-retired woman, age 62, with no real health problems. Do I need to get a flu shot? A: Absolutely yes, and try to get yours as soon as possible. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the flu is currently making its annual […]
Nutritional Research: Busy Month
Click here for the original post. I’ve had the feeling recently that everybody’s getting tired of prescription medications. To begin with, we’re taking far too many unsavory chemicals for problems mostly attributable to our unhealthful lifestyles–controlling adult-onset diabetes, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, cooling heartburn, sedating our stress-laden lives. And did I mention side effects? […]
R&R for 2008
This new year’s eve, consider a resolution that will make your cheeks glow and your heart happy.
Consider scheduling a long weekend, or even a week, at a health spa.
Many of my patients who have followed through on this (my favorite) prescription consider their health-spa visits life-altering. The healthy food, massage, long walks, and yoga sessions, lack of TVs, and turned-off cellphones helped them see how eliminating stress could lead to a whole new approach to good health.
Healing Touch: A Balanced Approach to Health Care
Wouldn’t it be ideal to have a system of health care that focuses on the uniqueness of each person, draws on the best of ancient wisdom and modern medical expertise, maximizes wellness, and offers support when health issues arise?
Vitamin D and Your Heart
I’ve written quite a bit on the beneficial effects of vitamin D, from building bones and helping with fibromyalgia to preventing cancer–click here and scroll down on the Health Tips menu for previous articles.
D-ribose: New Supplement of Note
Any primary care physician will tell you the number one symptom that prompts a visit to the doctor is fatigue, expressed as “I’m tired all the time,” “I crash at three in the afternoon,” or “My get up and go just got up and went.”
2008: Time for Mini-Resolutions
As we approach the new year, here are ten small resolutions that will boost your health and are likely to prolong your life:
Cranial Electrostimulation
Several months go, I was reading the on-line bulletin of the Rush Medical Center here in Chicago when my eye caught an article about Rush psychiatrists enrolling patients into a trial of a non-medical therapy for depression and anxiety. They were especially seeking patients who were either medication-resistant or had experienced too many medication side effects.
Q&A: Increasing Your Energy
Q: I’m wondering if you could summarize all the ways I might go about increasing my energy level. I’ve had a lot of fatigue recently. Would you list supplements that could help, along with food and anything else? Thank you so much.