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Melatonin and Perimenopause

I was surprised to see a clinical report using the nutritional supplement melatonin in the Annals of the New York Academy of Science, simply because it’s a very conservative journal, rarely acknowledging the existence of natural medicine.

Q&A: Interactions Between Antidepressants and Supplements

Q: I’m currently taking Effexor and Wellbutrin for depression. Eventually I’d like to eliminate these medications. Will the Triple Whammy supplements harm me in any way while taking these prescribed medications?

Pycnogenol: Are You a Frequent Flyer?

Many of my patients travel quite a bit for work. Here’s a tip: pycnogenol (pronounced “pik-noj-en-all”) is a powerful antioxidant extracted from the bark of pine trees and sold in health food stores either under that name or as PCO Extract. A newly discovered side benefit from pycnogenol is that it can prevent the foot […]

Vitamin D and Fibromyalgia

You may have noticed I’ve been sending out a lot of messages about vitamin D lately, but there’s a good reason for this. Worldwide, there’s much new research relating vitamin D to puzzling and seemingly unrelated medical conditions, and it’s important to keep up with the latest information as it’s published.

Q&A: Supplements and the Triple Whammy

Q:        I unfortunately have all the symptoms of the Triple Whammy.  What supplements do I need to take to get on the right track? A: Taking supplements to boost your feel-good serotonin is just one part of the Triple Whammy three-week cure, but it’s an essential component. To increase the amount of serotonin in […]

Testing Your Adrenal Glands

Readers of The Triple Whammy Cure know if they’re low on the stress-buffering brain chemical serotonin, they’re more vulnerable to stress. Normally our adrenals, two walnut-sized glands perched one each atop the two  kidneys, response to a “stress message” by deliberately placing our bodies into temporary overdrive to help us cope. That’s all well and […]

Still More Benefits of Fish Oil

The Triple Whammy Cure endlessly extols the virtues of fish oil to ramp up your production of feel-good serotonin. Many readers know that fish oil also protects  against heart disease, but are unsure exactly how or why. The answer is that fish oil opens up your blood vessels and improves circulation. To prove this, researchers […]

Bromelain and Arthritis

Here’s a useful supplement that can ease the pain of arthritis: bromelain, an enzyme found in extracts of pineapple (the fruit and its stem). Bromelain has both anti-inflammatory and pain-killing properties, like aspirin.