Here’s good news for any woman who wants some justification for the pleasure of enjoying tofu, edamame, soy cheese pizza, or soy lattes.
Fish Oil and Your Child’s Brain
Fish oil bolsters your health in numerous ways: it’s a natural anti-inflammatory, helps prevent heart disease, stroke, and age-related macular degeneration, and boosts your stress-buffering serotonin.
Bromelain and Arthritis
Here’s a useful supplement that can ease the pain of arthritis: bromelain, an enzyme found in extracts of pineapple (the fruit and its stem). Bromelain has both anti-inflammatory and pain-killing properties, like aspirin.
Three Foods for Easy Breathing
A survey of almost 70,000 women published this spring found those with the greatest intake of leafy vegetables, carrots, and tomatoes had the lowest frequency of ever developing asthma.
Let the Sun Shine: Preventing Breast Cancer with Vitamin D
The next time you send your daughter outside to play on a sunny day, go along with her and you’ll both be protecting yourselves from breast cancer.
Q&A: How do Congestion and Runny Nose Coexist in Allergies?
Q: How can a single allergy medicine work to relieve runny nose and congestion…two opposite conditions?
Summertime’s Natural Serotonin Boosters
Summer’s an excellent time to take advantage of three steps that naturally help your brain make more feel-good serotonin, which protects you from the damaging effects of stress:
Stay Skeptical
Click here for the Health Tip link. During the past few months, I’ve been noticing an unusual number of articles and news stories about clinical studies “proving” that a certain alternative therapy (like chiropractic or acupuncture) or nutritional supplement doesn’t really work after all. Each time a news release like this appears, some people will […]
Red Grapefruit and Cholesterol
Here’s a quick health tip if your cholesterol is on the high side. Make your daily breakfast a bowl of oatmeal and one red grapefruit.
You’re likely already aware of oatmeal’s cholesterol-lowering effects, but those of red grapefruit are the result of newly published study.
The Dark Side of Prescription Drugs
One of the many reasons I decided to learn more about using nutritional supplements to treat various medical problems 15 years ago was this: I was getting nervous about the medical profession’s over-reliance on prescription drugs.
Green Tea and Ovarian Cancer
I know that a daily cup or two of tea–especially green tea–is astonishingly good for you. Unfortunately, I never developed a liking for the stuff, black or green. Probably this stems from when I had to drink black tea as a kid whenever I had a cold or the flu.
Fibromyalgia and Acupuncture
I roll my eyes ceiling-ward when I come across a “major new finding” in a medical journal that “reveals” something we in alternative medicine have known for years. In this month’s Mayo Clinic Proceedings, researchers discovered that acupuncture really does work for fibromyalgia. It was a good study: starting with 50 fibro patients, half had […]
Health Insurance: Food for Thought
I feel a deep sadness when a patient tells me she’s stuck in a job she loathes–one that’s making her sick with stress–but that she’s staying so she can keep her health insurance.
Q&A: Men and the Triple Whammy
Thanks for the many questions you send us. Here’s one a half dozen people have asked me about:
Q: Is there a book for men that’s similar to The Triple Whammy Cure?
It’s Allergy Season…
…and this year is a bad one. Patients have been contacting me with all sorts of the usual hay fever type symptoms: watery eyes, runny noses, sneezing, coughing. My own allergies progressed to asthma and I was compelled to rummage around for an inhaler to use for a few days this month. (It’s probably not the smartest move to use an old dust-covered asthma inhaler, but that old saying that doctors make terrible patients is often true.)
SAMe for Depression and Arthritis
SAMe (pronounced “sammy”) is the abbreviation for a molecule already made by your body, S-adenosylmethionine. Some good clinical studies have shown that SAMe supplements are effective for three seemingly unrelated conditions: depression, arthritis, and liver disease.
One of the best parts of capitalism is that demand drives production, and the demand for organics is growing steadily—by one estimate between 20 and 25% since 1990.
Q&A: SAMe or St. John’s Wort?
Q. A friend of mine just tried SAMe for depression and is having a very positive experience with it in a very short time. Can you tell me why in The Triple Whammy Cure you emphasize St. John’s Wort as a natural antidepressant instead?
Echinacea: My Doubts and A New Recommendation
Last year echinacea sales took a drop when a US study showed that this long-respected herb was ineffective against the common cold. Herbalists took issue with the study, but I’ve always harbored some doubts about echinacea myself.
Worry and Stress
Pointless worrying is a significant source of stress for many of my patients. Most of us know the difference pointless and productive worrying. The latter can spur us to find a solution to a problem: you’re concerned that your daughter needs help with reading, and your worry compels you to ask her teacher for help […]