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Less Stress: Flower Essence Therapy

I first encountered flower remedies when visiting a couple who had just lost a long-awaited infant by miscarriage. Although their home was very much a place of mourning, they bore their grief with fortitude. At one point during the conversation, they brought out a small bottle, placed a few drops under each other’s tongues, and then continued talking.

Q&A: Chiropractor for Son’s Back Pain

Click here for the original post. Q: My 12-year-old son is really into sports. Josh wrenched his back playing soccer last week and still has some pain, though it’s milder with the ibuprofen I gave him. I’ve been treated very successfully by a chiropractor for my own back pain and was wondering if you thought […]

Q&A: Alcohol and Breast Cancer

Click here for the original post. Q: I wanted to ask your opinion on the recent research that shows drinking even moderately can raise a woman’s chance of getting breast cancer by 30 percent. I enjoy my nightly wine, and this new information really has me wondering. A: When you’ve been in practice as long […]

Low Thyroid and Taking Your Body Temperature

If your basal temperature (armpit temperature, taken when you awaken in the morning) is below 97.6, you might benefit from a small dose of natural thyroid replacement, usually in the range of one half grain to 1 grain daily, available by prescription, to improve your energy.

Menopause and Bioidentical Hormones

Right now, thousands of women are having their first menopause-related hot flash. If you’re one of them you’re not alone: about 40 million US women will go through the menopause transition over the next 20 years, and virtually every one will experience a symptom of shifting hormones.

Q&A: Low Blood Sugar

Q: You mentioned in one of your tips that low blood sugar was a controversial diagnosis. Would you explain why?

A: To my thinking, the controversy over low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) got started when the book Sugar Blues came out 30 years ago and doctors couldn’t cope with patients asking questions about a condition they knew little about.

Keeping Your Smarts as You Age

Click here for the original post. Nobody likes to spend too much time thinking about what doctors call age-related decline in brain function. You can get really worried about the future of your brain until you meet someone like Chicago icon Studs Terkel. Studs is now 95, and although he readily acknowledges he’s as deaf […]

A Natural Bladder Product

Among the many TV drug commercials I dislike is the one with the woman squirming miserably as she’s trapped in traffic because she desperately needs to pee.

Not that I don’t empathize; we men have our own urinary miseries. It’s just that the drug they’re pushing lists drowsiness, dry mouth, and blurred vision among its side effects. You have to wonder if, after taking her new medicine, she’s going to be fit for driving.

Q&A: Bromelain Dose for Anti-Inflammatory Effect

Q: Ever since you wrote about bromelain I’ve wanted to try it, as you suggested, instead of aspirin or ibuprofen. I’m managing my heel spur pain well with the help of my physical therapist, but she encourages me to take an anti-inflammatory when I have pain. Would you tell me what dose of bromelain I should use? Also, does it work for arthritis?

Q&A: Supplements for Better Breathing

Q:   My husband has congestive heart failure. While he’s getting excellent care from his physicians, I’m wondering if there are any supplements you could recommend that would improve his breathing. A: The single most useful supplement for congestive heart failure is coenzyme Q-10. Many cardiologists are aware of this, but because it’s not yet FDA-approved […]

Something New About Birth Control Pills

Just about everyone using the pill knows there are health risks involved, especially for women who smoke. Risks include migraine, blood clots, heart attack, and even stroke. Now some research has uncovered why this may occur. A recent report showed that women on the pill have much lower levels of two vital antioxidants, Vitamin E […]