Health Tips

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If You Play Your Cards Right, You’ll Live Longer Than You Think.

If you make healthy choices, you can live longer than you think. Exercise, a balanced diet, and avoiding excess salt are key. Consider anti-aging supplements, like curcumin and green tea extract. Don’t forget basics like vitamin D and vitamin C. Stay healthy and enjoy a longer, happier life.

Supplements I Take

Occasionally when I’m up in our apothecary someone asks “What supplements do you take, Dr. E.?” Usually I’m too rushed to answer more than, “Oh, a bunch of stuff. Seems to work. I’m still here. If you’re curious, just ask,” referring to whoever’s managing the apothecary counter. She knows what I take because my supplement […]

Cancer Prevention Clip ‘n Save

This month’s issue of the International Journal of Cancer published a report from the Leicester Royal Infirmary in which researchers actually tracked the cancer prevention benefits of certain foods. They were interested in a specific group I’ve mentioned in these Health Tips several times: polyphenols, like those found in green tea.