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Toxic Metals, Heart Disease, and Chelation Therapy

In last week’s Health Tip I reviewed the well-researched health dangers of environmental toxic metals (also called heavy metals). They’ve always been a serious health risk, but with the Trump Administration’s recent rollbacks of clean air and water regulations we can expect even more trouble ahead. Statisticians predict an astonishing 160,000 unnecessary deaths over the […]

Fish Oil: Finally Some Solid Answers

In the 1970s, epidemiologic studies discovered that Inuit (the indigenous people of the Arctic regions Canada, Alaska, and Greenland), whose diet was extremely rich in fish, had a much lower rate of heart disease than Americans and Europeans. Scientists attributed this to the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in fish, which seemed to protect and […]

How Safe Is Your Sushi?

There’s been some completely unnecessary bickering between conventional and integrative physicians the past few years over mercury, and to a lesser extent lead and other toxic metals like arsenic and cadmium. While everyone agrees that these substances are poisonous, they aren’t unanimous on the best ways to diagnose and treat toxic metal poisonings. However, there’s […]

Should I Get The Flu Shot?

It’s time again to ponder the flu immunization. When it comes to flu shots, I take a far more conventional approach than many patients at WholeHealth Chicago expect of a doctor who considers himself alternative/integrative. After reviewing some of the popular online alternative medicine newsletters warning people away from flu shots, it’s my sense that […]