It’s really annoying the way the pharmaceutical industry snookered US physicians over the herbal antidepressant St. John’s wort. If only the profession had been just a little skeptical of an article that appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) a while back we might not be as up to our bellybuttons in antidepressants as we are now.
The JAMA piece was subsequently criticized by an article in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) for deliberately ignoring more than 100 previous studies showing SJW’s effectiveness and also challenging the project as tainted because researchers were on Pfizer’s payroll.
Here are the statistics that make the mess:
- 11% of Americans over 12 take one or more antidepressants every day. And more than half this group does so with no medical supervision (refills are automatic but visits with a mental health professional are not).
- Women take 2.5 times more antidepressants than men.
- Between ages 40 and 59, one woman in four (25%) takes an antidepressant.
- The warhorse antidepressants–Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor, Celexa, Lexapro, Luvox, Wellbutrin, Cymbalta–are all generic and so inexpensive (Prozac costs about $30 a year) that primary care physicians with their ten-minute office visits have little incentive not to write an antidepressant prescription when a patient says, “I’m feeling sad these days.”
- And because these drugs are cheap and easily refillable, patients themselves have little incentive to get off them, except for the side effects. We’re awash in antidepressants (as is our drinking water, by the way).
Brain chemistry
All antidepressants, including SJW, work on brain chemistry by increasing the brain’s levels of feel-good serotonin, your factory-installed stress buffer. Your personal level of serotonin is genetically determined, although other factors including diet, sunlight exposure, and sex hormones also play a role in serotonin levels.
If you’re a woman, your serotonin level is significantly lower than that of most men you know. And since serotonin is linked to sex hormones, you may have noticed that you’re more vulnerable to stress just before your period, when estrogen plummets (as it does in menopause), or that you felt especially happy during pregnancy, when estrogen levels go through the roof.
When stress exceeds your serotonin buffer, you might feel depressed or anxious, start thinking obsessively, and/or experience a variety of physical symptoms like muscle aches or tiredness.
Virtually all antidepressants have side effects and, ironically, some of these (headache, depression, and fatigue) are quite similar to what they’re supposed to be treating. Other side effects are more subtle: weight gain, sexual dysfunction, jaw clenching, personality changes like feeling “numb.” Sadly, most prescribing doctors admit they don’t have the time to discuss side effects, and only a handful of patients or concerned family members actually bother to read the package inserts that come with the prescription.
Gentle St John’s wort unjustly maligned
Compared to big-gun antidepressants like Luvox or Effexor, SJW is very gentle. European physicians prescribe it to children.
When SJW first became available in the US, though, researchers on the payroll of Big Pharma classified it as an MAO inhibitor, a type of antidepressant rarely used because of its side effects and interactions with other drugs. In fact, because of this, physicians are extremely skittish about writing prescriptions for MAO inhibitors, and what better way to nip competition in the bud than by deliberately mis-classifying SJW.
When European researchers reported that SJW was in fact not an MAO-inhibitor, but simply a mild SSRI equivalent to a half-dose of Prozac or Zoloft, Big Pharma got worried about its revenues. The SSRIs were still under patent and extremely expensive, generic versions years in the future. They’d already seen how cholesterol-lowering red yeast rice had cut into statin sales and didn’t want that to happen again. Billions were at stake.
What mega-pharma Pfizer (maker of Zoloft) did was singularly devious. First, they purchased a small herbal company, one of whose products just happened to be SJW. Then, in the interest of “public safety” they funded a large study at several major medical centers, recruiting psychiatrists (an itchy-palmed specialty never averse to accepting pharmaceutical largesse) to recruit patients. The study would be double-blind and placebo-controlled, neither physician nor patient knowing if SJW or a dummy pill was being taken.
The only flaw (intentional or not) was a big one. The recruited patients all had serious major depression issues, exactly the sort of depression for which SJW is not effective. And, surprise, surprise, despite dozens of previous European studies showing effectiveness, this time SJW failed. No better than placebo, concluded the JAMA article, popular magazines echoing the refrain. And thus Big Pharma created a state of permanent disinformation among US physicians. As a result, you’re prescribed Zoloft and get a contemptuous snort or impatient look if you ask about SJW.
Two years and 40 pounds later, you wonder why no one told you about the weight issue.
A few months after the JAMA article, the BMJ, which had already published several articles recommending SJW, wrote an editorial commenting on the flaws in the JAMA study, urging physicians to continue recommending SJW to their patients for mild-to-moderate depression. Of course, very few American docs read the BMJ, so the misinformation stayed rooted in place.
Why is St. John’s wort my favorite herb?
Not only has it been proven effective for mild depression, but like all other SSRI antidepressants SJW will work its magic when a serotonin boost is called for. Doctors routinely prescribe SSRIs for such varied diagnoses as generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, obsessive thinking, compulsive behavior, various phobias, and for patients self-medicating emotional problems with alcohol or food. SSRIs are also part of the treatment for fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, seasonal affective disorder, premenstrual syndrome, postpartum depression, and even irritable bowel syndrome.
For any of these, there’s no harm in trying SJW first.
In my own practice, if a patient needs a dose increase on an SSRI she’s already taking, I’ll add SJW instead to avoid the side effects that might otherwise accompany the higher antidepressant dose. Do not, however, attempt this without physician guidance. Taking SJW and a prescription antidepressant, you could end up with too much serotonin in your brain. Let your doctor figure out the chemistry.
I also recommend SJW when a patient wants to discontinue her prescription antidepressant. Unlike prescription SSRIs, SJW is remarkable for its lack of side effects. No “numbing” of your personality, no weight gain, no sexual dysfunction, no heart arrhythmias.
Dosing St. John’s wort
- The minimum effective dose of SJW is 900 mg per day.
- Take 450 mg twice daily, with food.
- For patients with more severe symptoms, before resorting to a prescription antidepressant I’ll increase to 900 mg twice daily for a month.
- Like many herbs and prescription medications, drug interactions, although very rare, can occur with SJW. Check with your prescribing doctor or pharmacist if you have concerns about this
Just like all antidepressants, you need to be patient while you wait for SJW to work. The mood-enhancing effect won’t be felt for about three weeks, but then, to your pleasant surprise you’ll likely think “I’m feeling better.”
The SJW product I work with is HyperiMed by Integrative Therapeutics.
Be well,
David Edelberg, MD
I take Ambien it weird it help with my depression but I know it’s not for depression so I’m going to to try st john wort
Theresa howell
I am a 50y female with hashimoto disease ,vitiligo and going through perimenopause and a very stressful lifestyle. I have started St. John’s wort supplement in last july; taking 700mg on daily basis but since then I have gained 5kg while I am on diet and doing Pilates 3 times a week and weight workout at least once a week. I am not happy about this weight gain and need your advice in this regard.
Lina Chahal
I want to switch back to St. John’s wort 1800 mg after trying Lexapro 10mg for 4 weeks. Given I’ve only been on Lexapro for this short period of time what is the recommended taper/overlap with SJW? Thank you
Hi Melanie,
We would love to be able to help you with this question. Please give us a call at 773-296-6700 to better assist you.
Thank you.
WholeHealth Chicago
Hi Dr. Edelberg,
I have been taking 900mg of SJW for a month but tapered up to 1800mg under the supervision of a naturopath last week. I have only been on the new 1800 mg dose for two days but have been experiencing insomnia since I upped the dose. I am currently taking 600mg/3x day, last dose around 7pm. Should I be taking the dosages differently (ex earlier in the day) to reduce insomnia? Does this side effect tend to wear off? Thanks
Hi Christa,
We are sorry to hear that you are having issues with insomnia. If this is a side effect of SJW, two weeks is usually an appropriate amount of time while the body adjusts. As always, please consult with your prescribing doctor before making any adjustments.
WholeHealth Chicago
I’ve been taking the 365 Whole Foods brand of SJW 1x per day 0.9 mg-300and organic stem leaf flower 150 mg I’ve been taking it for probably over 20 years after going off Prozac and other antidepressants. I recently read SJW can cause cataracts (which I do have one) and other problems. I also was just diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. Is it okay to continue taking?
Hi Linda,
This question is best answered by the physician who is helping you address your cataracts. If you have trouble getting an answer from that specialist, please consider a consultation with one of our functional medicine providers so they can go through your history and help you make the best decisions about continuing with SJW in the context of your general health. Patient Services can be reached at 773-296-6700.
Best wishes
Dr M
I’ve been on 50mg of sertraline for the past 2 years and have tried to wean off a few times and it is not good, my depression comes back so quick. My MD doesn’t recommend me getting off them but the weight gain is not good and I can’t seem to lose more than 3 pounds and working out all of the time and eating right. Would it be dumb to just stop taking sertraline one day and take SJW the next day? I don’t like how I feel when I wean off the sertraline is why I ask. I really want to try SJW. I’ve read through all of the comments above and haven’t found the answer so hoping you can help with a recommendation and I know I will need to run it by my MD anyways. Thank you for your help!
Hi Leslie,
Weight gain with SSRIs can be so common and quite frustrating. Switching any kind of anti-depressant therapy should be done carefully and with the help of your prescriber. If you feel you need a second opinion, it might be a good idea to consult a psychiatrist as this type of prescribing is their specialty. You can check with your insurance company to get a referral for an in-network provider, or you can also give this center a call as they have a number of great psychiatrists who do video telemedicine.
Hope this helps!
Dr M
I feel great after taking Sjw for 2 month! Can I stop it?
Hello Eite,
It’s best to make that decision with whomever prescribed the SJW for you. If you started it on your own or would like some help with this, please consider scheduling an in-person or telemedicine visit with one of our functional medicine practitioners. Our scheduling staff can be reached at 773-296-6700.
My best,
Dr M
I was taking 900mg daily of SJW, half in the morning and half at night for a year now. I recently stopped working and I’m considering either upping the dose or traditional SSRIS. What gives?
Hi Alexis
It’s best to figure out the root of the problem here. Please cosnider scheduling a telemedicine visit with one of our functional medicine providers at WholeHealth Chicago. Our scheduling staff can be reached at 773-296-6700.
Dr M
I’ve been on 900mg of SJW (500am and 400pm) for about 7 months with great results. Three weeks ago I reduced to 400mg 2x a day (going from 900 to 800), and every positive habit or attribute I’ve developed/experienced slowly stopped. I’ve been amazed that just a 100mg decrease took me to a place where I sleep 10+ hours, don’t really clean, dramatically reduced my exercise, started eating more poorly, etc.
I’ve been researching to try and understand more. Should I go back up to 900mg? Was 900mg actually enough, or should I take more? Should I ride it out a few more weeks (I’m miserable).
What are your thoughts?
Hi Laura,
A few things could be going on here and it’s best to figure out the cause of your symptoms and come up with a plan of how to address them and adjust your SJW dose accordingly. Please consider scheduling a telemedicine visit with one of our functional medicine providers. They can go through your history and symptoms and help figure out whether or not what you’re experiencing is temporary – something to ride out – or if there’s an underlying cause that can be differently addressed. Our scheduling staff can be reached by calling 773-296-6700. We’re looking forward to helping you figure this out!
-Dr M
Does SJW cause hair loss at the doses you recommend?
Have you seen hair loss and SJW in your clients?
Lynne Turner
I tried St. John’s Wort years ago and got horrible diarrhea and upset stomach, so had to stop. I was taking herbal capsules. I want to try again. To reduce stomach upset, should I take as a tea or a tincture? Also, does SJW cause stimulation or sleepiness?
April Bryson
Hi April,
Sometimes changing forms (from capsule to tincture) can result in tolerating the herb better, but not always. Watch for the same side effect and speak with your primary healthcare provider in case you need to find an alternative.
-Dr M
I have GAD and am taking 150 mg Effexor. Would 400 SAMe be a better choice than 900 SJW to decrease anxiety without increasing Effexor?
Changes like this work for some people, but it’s best to make them along with guidance from whomever prescribes the Effexor.
I’ve been taking 300mg St. johns wort (GMP and 3rd Party tested) with 20 mg Prozac for months now and it seems to help me. I always have a harder time during the winter months and I’m wondering if I should increase my SJW dose. My doctor had no solid answers for me as to why SJW is riskier than adding or increasing the dose of my SSRI. she tried to increase my SSRI a year ago and I was miserable! I’ve read and understand the risk of serotonin syndrome, but she had no answer as to why it would be more risky with SJW opposed to any other antidepressant pharmaceutical… all she said was in medical school they teach you not to give SJW with prescribed antidepressants, but she was so unsure as to why. Not enough research? Why is it so encouraged in Germany and Europe but discouraged in the United States!?
Actually there is a replacement for Adderall 🙂 kigelia africana. I have actually seen it work just like Adderall
Can you use sjw to come off from 120mg pristiq? My mother in law needs to come off from hers
Drop your Cymbalta by 20 mg every two weeks, starting once a day, start SJW at 450 mg, increasing to 450 mg twice a day after two weeks. You may need three of the 450 mg tabs.
DropPaxil by 50% with same SJW.
Leave the Adderall alone as there is no herbal replacement for it
Dr E
Thank you so much!! I have been tirelessly researching. You are amazing! I have taken sjws in the past so I know it will work.
I’m taking Cymbalta 30 mg and have been for a month with no relief of my depression. I started taking sjw 900 mg daily to try and amp the cymbalta but it’s not been successful. I’d like to wean myself off the cymbalta and stick with with sjw. I just want to feel better. I have little energy and no appetite.
Jean Sanders
I am on 60 mg of Cymbalta and want to wean myself off from it. Everything I have found has said to do a 10% taper. How would I supplement this with St. John’s Wort, what dosage? Drs around here don’t know anything about tapering and I have spent the past year being ripped off from 120mg cymbalta to 60mg, then ripped from 60mg cymbalta to Effexor (drug from he..) then ripped off from effexor and put on lyrica, then put back on 60 mg cymbalta. Second question, my son is on 20mg of Paxil and 20 mg adderall. I want to do the same thing with him. What dosage of St. John’s Wort would I use for him?
Hi Suzie
Yes, start SJW now– 450 mg twice a day
Dr E
I came off Fluxotine 4 weeks ago, and have just started to feel a bit down. The winter is upon us with cold dark mornings and early dark nights, which doesn’t help. Can i start taking SJW now as i feel as if i need something that will give me a boost?
many thanks
This has not ever occurred in my practice and is not listed in the side effects
Dr E
Thank you!
I need to stop taking Fluxotine for many reasons, the most pressing being it has lowered my sodium level to the point where I’m afraid to go outside & sweat as I feel terribly terrible. I have also gained a great deal of weight in the last 6 years of taking Fluxotine, 10 pounds the first week on it. The nurses could not believe what the scale said! So my question is does SJW lower sodium levels? I want to feel good again & used SJW back in the late 1990s with great success.
i started taking saint john wort the non standardized vegan one 700 mg 3 months ago due to depression , after quitting cipralex for almost 2 years . I only felt a slight improvement .. Didnt know then there is a standardized saint john wort , I got it a week ago and started taking 900 mg daily , I hope it will be more effective than the vegan one .. isnt it ?? Or does that mean that saint john wort is not working with me ?
Hi Nura –
Standardized doses of supplements are almost always better because you know exactly what you’re getting. Once you’re on the right supplement, it can take several weeks, (4-6 weeks or more) to see sustainable change. It’s a good idea to make certain that your primary care provider knows what you’re taking as well.
Hope this helps – best of luck with the new dose.
-Dr. M
Thank you for this post. So balanced and confirming of my own personal experience. As I went through an unusual amount of trauma and stress, I have been diagnosed with depression, severe anxiety, and OCD, which I was prone to. I have never been able to tolerate anti-depressants of any sort. I won’t go into the horrors of that. I used St Johns Wort years ago, not really knowing what it was, but recently have been giving it a try. So far I am taking just one tablet at night and my sleep is improving and my pain level is down, my thinking is clearer, etc, etc. This was pretty much immediate. The only trouble I find is a little bit of incontinence. It’s like I am more relaxed. I am wondering if this will resolve, or if it is something that is of concern.
Hi, st john wort started working well with food. I was taking 3 together with food in the morning. But after 2 months , it is not seemed to be working that well. I now changed to 600 mg morning and 300mg in the evening. Iam going to gym also daily. Actually iam living in canada as a student. I have stressful environment here. Sometimes I still feel anxiety
It looks as if St Johns wort won’t work for your GAD. Instead try SAMe. Here’s an article
Dr E
I was well treated with CBT and paxil cr, but anxiety has returned again after 7 months. And CBT is not working that well also.
Inderjit Singh
Hi, i have started taking st John wort 2 weeks before. I was diagnosed with GAD, I have taken paxil cr also. But it was giving insomnia side effects. First week was very well, from 2nd week iam feeling dizzy when I wake up from sleep. I was taking two 300 mg tablets, one in the morning and another in the afternoon. Due to dizziness, I decreased dose to 1 tablet in the afternoon. But it is again giving me dizziness. Anyone help me please?
Inderjit Singh
Hi Sarah
Actually the way you are using St Johns wort is exactly the way I use it in my practice for PMDD, namely adding it during PMS days rather than increasing the Prozac
Dr E
Hello, I was wondering if you think it may be safe to take 20mg Prozac w/900mg SJW daily for treatment of MDD? I understand I should seek out a advice from my PMD but they are always “unsure”. I’ve been taking 20mg of Prozac for 4yrs now, and until recently it had worked well for me, BUT a couple months ago I relapsed into a dark/deep anxiety/depressive state. My PMD recommended increasing to 40mg Prozac, however I was unable to handle the difficult side effects. I’ve been taking SJW w/Prozac for a little over a month now w/zero negative side effects and it really does seem to be helping. Now I’m reading online that it is unsafe to take them together. Do you find that true in all cases or many cases at all? I was also going to add 5-HTP to my daily regimen. Would that not be recommended? Hope to hear from you soon thank you! (:
Hi. I’ve been takin SJW for the past 9 months. It was prescribed to me by my naturopath to help with tapering off of Paxil. I am not sure it has done all that much to be honest and I am thinking of coming off of it. Having read up on tapering SJW I talked with my naturopath about this. Unfortunately she did not believe I need to taper. Because I have had such a bad and pronged experience with tapering off of Paxil I am terrified of cold turkeying SJW. Do you have any recommendation regarding how to taper? For instance, what percentage of dosage reduction for how many days or weeks, etc? Your input would be very much appreciated.
Dana G
Thanks, Dr E, and I share your pragmatic outlook. Pointing out that in my experience St John’s did work in its own pace until my inquisitive self discovered it could be chemically ‘pushed’ , much like photographic film, until it did not work anymore, and I’m guessing the warnings in the form of uniform all-round side effects told me it had done its job. I’m hoping my experience will serve for your info archive, since St John’s like astrology is still regarded on largely empirical conclusions. Also my favourite herb ! Best regards.
Well, it’s not what I would recommend, but whatever works…
Dr E
Hi Dr E, Dr Maurer, regarding my experience, is it possible that St John’s can cause ALL side effects when taken with hefty quantities of alcohol, including reversal to mild/moderate depression itself (granted and despite alcohol’s depressive action) ? Duration of usage – 3 months, initial dosage 175mg daily to 700mg daily at the end. Interrupted two days ago, and feel ‘cured’ , though bloated – 93kg 1.77m . Age 53. Why St John’s with alcohol ?? Answer, the observed benefits of enhanced relaxation, mood, deep sleep, and no hangover ! Thank you very much !
Thanks for the great article on the benefits of St John’s Wort. It works. I switched from Effexor to St John’s Wort a year ago and feel great and lost 20 lbs. St Johns Wort controls my anxiety as well as Effexor did. I take 3 , 450 mg, extended release per day. 2 in the morning and 1 at 1 pm. I like extended release better because it keeps me even all day. The regular ones (not extended) hit me too hard at once and made me sleepy.
I would not recommend brintellix I was on this drug for 6 months and gained 8 kg it triggered binge eating which I have never had before
I once read that the best way to come off Paxil is one month for every year you were on it. I found that to be excellent advice since I went it off once before, Dr. directed, but it was way too quick and I was a mess. So…I spent 10 months gradually reducing from 20 mg down to 5 down to zero. Have been off completely about 1 month. Valeria Root does help with sleep. Based on what I have read, I will also begin St John’s Wort…Paxil was a wonderful med for me, but I wanted to come off after such a long time on it and wanted to see if I could return to my normal weight. Since reducing to 5 mg Paxil (then off), I have lost about 17lbs. Hopefully, more weight loss will follow. However, I miss how well I did emotionally on Paxil!! I have been miserable and irritable since low dose and off it. Hoping that will improve ….
Next stop…red yeast rice to get off statin..
I had taken several SSRI and other antidepressant over the last 20 years. But let me assure you, none has done to me as the Wellbutrin (made me have seizures;which I had stop taking immedaitely) and the drug from hell it self called Effexor ER. I had never experienced such a night mare being weaned off the Effexor ER,(at my persist request to doc to do so after reading how other are experiencing bad effects as I was) and I do mean a night mare. While being on it, I really believe it had change my entire body chemistry. I gain over 70 lbs very quickly while being on this medication for 1 year and taken it faithfully for my Bipolar Disorder 2, PTSD and Anxiety. NEVER again will I ever take any more prescribed medications for my BD2, PTSD and Anxiety.. I rather deal with the high mania and such than ever deal with the terrible withdraws I had experiences coming off from Effexor. It was worse than having the flu and the vivid dreams was terrible. Even when I was on Prozac, I had gain wight but not anything close to the amount I had done with the Effexor ER.. Its been 3 years since I’ve been off that Effexor ER and I am still battling with the weight. I am 5’2 and I weigh 210 lbs.. It just wont come off. I exercise, I dont eat anything sweet, I dont drink soft drinks and I eat wheat bread instead of white. Still.. this weight is there and it has put me into a pre-diabetic stage.. My Blood pressure is high as well as my triglyceride and cholesterol; which I had no problems at all with any of this UNTIL I had taken the Effexor ER for 5 months and I have a terrible time with water retention; which I take HTCZ for that; which honestly isnt helping any. Doc would tell me its not the Effexor ER for the weight can.. it cant be but I pardon the difference. So now here I am reading about St John Wort and how natural it is. I am thinking about giving it a chance and see if maybe it can “correct” my body system that the Effexor Er and all the other SSRI’s had done to me. If it works like I hope and pray it does, then I will indeed come back and let it be known.
Thelma Elkins
Hi Nick
The St Johns will likely help; is not associated with weight gain; can safely be used with Zyprexa
Dr E
Dr E
I recently quit Paroxetine (Paxil/Seroxat/Aropax) cold turkey 9 days ago and after first 4 days I had no withdrawal symptoms and felt so much better. Day 5 came and I had such severe withdrawal symptoms. I took 2000mg of Ibuprofen twice daily(I know this is a very high dose and risky) it worked well at getting rid of the electric shock feeling,headaches and fever.
Today is day 9 and discovered my work place now sells St Johns wort and ive started taking today since ive spent 9 days detoxing my body from Paroxetine. I am hoping St Johns wort will help a little and not cause so much weight gain as Paroxetine has done.
I am also on Olanzapine (Zyprexa) is it safe to use with st johns wort??? There is only mention about Antidepressants and not Antipsychotics on the leaflet inside the box.
I was very scared to try SJW &
I just had my first pill today to
help with panic disorder & to get me up & going. I’m scared of taking pills in general because I don’t know what to expect. Is there any harm with these pills if the person taking them has nothing bad with their medical history?
Hi Paris – Typically, SJW is well tolerated by most people, but if you have concerns about taking anything, it’s always best to get the opinion of your primary care provider.
Best wishes!
Dr M
I have began st. Johns wart, 300mg a day. I found 600mg caused too much gastrointestinal discomfort. I have felt a fairly immediate increase in mood, but I still have anxiety that exists and the SJW has caused insomnia – waking up a lot with vivid dreams. Will the anxiety lesson with more time and will the insomnia go away?
Hi Chris – If you take the St. John’s Wort in the morning, sometimes this side effect goes away. Some patients have added a supplement called L-theanine, taken at night and sometimes throughout the day. Best to check with whomever recommended the St. John’s Wort to see if they have recommendations.
Dr. M
I have been taking saint john wort the non standardized “vegan one” for three months , havent noticed a different , didnt know that there is a standarized one , got it and started taking it for a week now shall it will make me feel better ?
Thank you so much for all the information. I feel so much better since I’ve switched to SJW and herbal supplements. I’ve added ashwaghanda, ginger and Siberian ginseng. These herbs help stabilize mood, act as a diuretic, assist in reactions to stress, and the benefits are endless. I feel like myself again.
Debra Pendzick
I am on valproate, serequel and cymbalta for borderline personality disorder anxiety and depression and l am very afraid to come off my medications as l have been stable for 5 years. Unfortunately these medications also make me very ‘fuzzy’ in the mornings, no libido at all, very forgetful, weight gain and l am sure it affects my thinking pattern. I really want to try St. John’s wort. I would be grateful to hear your thoughts.
Kate Zinko
Hi Denise
Raising your serotonin will reduce anxiety and reduce carb craving so yes, SJW can help with weight loss
Dr E
My doctor recom. I research 3 diff. meds. to lose weight. All 3 treat depression, but the wonderful side effect was weight loss. Theory is serotonin levels effect weight loss. All have horrible side effects. So she rec. SJW. I was thrilled to see the side effects are minimal in comparison. I am on a low dose Atacand and low dose Triamterene for blood pressure for 25 yrs. Gluten Free, all organic, veggies and lean meat, no junk food. Never losing weight. I do have mild anxiety. Thinking of adding SJW to my plan. I’m post menapausal and in late 50s. Question, Does this sound possible, Increasing the serotonin levels, reducing the mild anxiety could aid in weight loss?
I already do acupuncture, yoga, take samE, 5HTTP, omega 3, vitamin D, and other herbal remedies, am extremely active, my diet is high in whole grains, fruits, and vegitables, low in processed sugars, and contains almost no caffeen or alcohol, I have a pretty regular sleep cycle and am still really depressed. I have been to whole health Chicago. They are the ones who put me on the samE 5https etc. which probably help some but not enough. I’ve tried counceling and it doesn’t work, and conventional antidepressents mess me up. I don’t have any hope left unless there’s something else out there I haven’t tried. I think it’s hormonal as the depression gets WAY worse right before my period. Unfortunately, the out of control hormones are also why I need the contraceptives. 🙁
Alison Gross
Hi Alison – The hormonal connection is important. Have you tried doing some work with an acupuncturist who is also skilled in traditional chinese herbal medicine? Mari Stecker and Cindy Kudelka both treat hormonal imbalances in patients which often result in symptoms like depression as well as headaches, painful or heavy periods, digestive problems…the list goes on. If you’ve not yet met with either Mari or Cindy, this might be a good next step. And a second opinion from another doctor or nurse practitioner within WHC couldn’t hurt.
Dr M
Is it safe to take SJW with hormonal contraceptives? Shortly after I took it the first time, I had an excruciating period that went on for weeks so I stopped after seeing a warning on the contraceptive not to take SJW. Almost two years later, I’m desperate to try to something for my depression. In the mean time, I’ve switched from pills to the nuvaring but it still warns against using SJW. Do you have any experience with this kind of situation?
Alison Gross
Hi Alison – It’s true, patients are advised to avoid taking SJW and oral contraceptives at the same time. There are other natural remedies for depression such as acupuncture, yoga therapy and clinical psychological counseling which would not interfere with oral contraception. There are also other natural antidepressants you can take orally, but these should be recommended by a health care provider based on your unique health picture. If you’re in the Chicago area, any of our physicians or nurse practitioners can help with this.
Dr M
Although St John’s wort can interact with certain meds, Xarelto is not one of them.
Dr E
I have a fiB and I am on the rail zero alto. I have a pacemaker. My cardiologist made may discontinue St. John’s wort one year ago. Since then I have been seriously depressed And gained 40 pounds. Is there someway I could continue taking St. John’s wort and still have a blood center for the a fib?
Susan Sensenbaugh
I take a very low dose of generic Lexapro (5mg) for anxiety and depression. What would the equivalent dosage be for SJW and Valerian ? I want to discuss it with my doctor. I am going to have to begin paying more for my prescription. Thank you for this advice page.
Hi Teresa – This can be different for everyone. The person who prescribed Lexapro for you should help you with this transition so that you can both be certain that you’re transitioning safely.
-Dr M
I use St John’s Wort faithfully for my mild depression, I know that it works, because I went a month without it, and noticed the change. It’s the slightest of lifts, but makes a world of difference to me.
Michigan Girl
Thank you!!!
My doc said to just stop Lexapro because I was taking such a tiny bit. I read that sjw can help with the withdrawal and may be all I need. I am not having any luck finding a drug that I can take. Zoloft was perfect for many years and then stopped helping and made it worse. Thank you so much for the Valerian SJW info.
Do run any changes by your doctor.
The correct switch would be St John’s wort 450 mg twice a day.Valerian is 500 mg during day (for calming) 1,500 mg at bedtime for sleep. If the valerian isn’t working, try L Theanine 200 mg capsules (same schedule). Allow a full month for the SJW to take full effect
Dr E
Tina, how awesome! My Zoloft Started making me depressed. My doc switched me to Lexapro and I have had too many side effects. I want to go the St. John’s Wort Valerian route. How much do you take?
St. John’s Wort with Valerian Root changed my life. I have panic attacks and I’ve taken medicine on and off for years but it makes me a zombie. The first time I took these supplements after refusing to take any more Xanax and Zoloft, literally within 2 hours, that giant fist of anxiety that constantly gripped my chest, was gone. I felt like I could breathe again. I’ll never go back to pharmaceuticals again.
I feel so much better. I wish I’d tried it years ago but honestly..thought it was herbal mumbo-jumbo.
I’ve been taking St. John’s Wort for a month now, 900mg/day and I’ve been noticing a decrease in my appetite. I can’t say yet that it’s doing anything for my moderate depression, but I’ve definitely noticed a difference in the amount of food I’m eating.
You can make your own tincture of St johns wort. It is a weed and easy to find. It blooms in the summer. The tincture worked very well for mild depression (1/2 tbsp in the morning). It also took away my alcohol cravings.
I had to switch to capsules, and while they were high quality capsules, they were far inferior to the tincture.
Tincture is made from harvesting vital flowers and buds from hypericum perforatum (other species of SJW are not effective). Cover completely with vodka and soak for 6 weeks and strain. Details abound on the Web. Two 40s of vodka will supply a years supply at my dose.
My doctor was very supportive of SJW. I am now switching to cipralex because I can’t use my tincture for work and the capsules were not good enough.
Bravo for making your own tincture! Glad it worked so well for you. 🙂 If the alcohol content of your tincture is a concern for using before work, you may want to look into making glycerine tinctures, which contain no alcohol. Or you may look into tincturing with wine, which has a much lower alcohol content. Vinegar may also be used to make tinctures, and it is the lowest cost option. Hope this helps!
Hi Girlie
Your GP has a point. Some people do just fine on a lifetime of Prozac and by staying on it, avoid the dark place you are referring to. If you’ve had no problems with the Prozac except relief of symptoms, I’d just stay on it
Dr E
Hi. After being on Prozac for 11 years for depression and anxiety I weaned off over a two month period. Two weeks after stopping the Prozac I started to experience some uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. I preserved with this for 10 weeks before I had to go back on the Prozac. I would really like to try St Johns Wort but am extremely scared that I would end up back in that dark place again if I stop the Prozac. I am taking 20mg daily and was wanting to know if I could take St Johns Wort with this dosage as I wean off. You advice would be really appreciated as my GP seems to think that there is nothing wrong with me taking Prozac for the rest of my life.
I have transitioned from taking Prozac to St. Johns Wort. Is it likely to gain weight while on this medication? I am a 25 year old male nurse weighing a solid 175 at 5’8.
Thank you!
Hi Joseph – I’ve encountered patients who say they’ve gained a bit of weight on St John’s Wort, though their weight gain, as we later discovered, may have been due to several different and unrelated factors (change in diet, activity level, other medications, etc.). If you’ve experienced unexplained weight gain, it would be a good idea to make an appointment with your primary care physician.
Dr M
Will St.Johns Worst help with Fibromylgia pain
Celine Ralph
To Celine. It may help but taking it with certain medications is often contraindicated. It is best to use all herbs under a physicians direction.
Dr. R
Hi Dana
Officially SJW is not supposed to cause weight gain but every person is biochemically unique. You might discuss with your doctor either of two meds: Wellbutrin and Brintellix. Both are used for depression and FDA studies have shown no weight gain. Prozac is associated with weight gain. Just type Prozac weight gain in your Google bar and read what pops up
Dr E
I have been taking SJW for 20+ years. I started for seasonal affective symptoms one winter and was amazed it made all the difference for me. Then 10 years later I began to take fish oil. Lastly I added walking for exercise and have made a few lifestyle changes so I do not have to deal with depression. I taper it down it the spring. I have discontinued it in the summer. Yet when fall start creeping around the corner that is the most telltale indicator for me, I need my SJW!
My concern is I have also put on 50 lbs. My doctor says Prozac would be a better choice, it can decrease my appetite and I will feel amazing. I have never been on a prescription antidepressant. 3 years ago I lost 10 lbs. walking 4000 steps a day, monitoring my food intake, making better choices and I cut my cal down to 2500. When I moved I stopped walking but I continue to eat the same new meal plan. I do believe the SJW has caused the weight gain for me. I was 120lbs before I tried SJW. I have had many very physical jobs so I burned up plenty of cal. I don’t know much about Prozac and its side effects.
Hi Susan
Although I have never seen weight gain with St John’s wort, it is theoretically possible because it is an SSRI and this whole family of meds is associated with weight gain. This very rapid loss of weight suggests more that the herb causes some fluid retention and by stopping it you are flushing the excess fluid out through your kidneys
Dr E
And I should add that I stopped the tea for the last two days, and I am down 1.5lbs. Now I’m really scratching my head. How can an herb have this kind of effect?
I don’t take any other meds except the St. John’s wort herb in dried leave and flower form. I make myself a tea everyday, and since I have done this, I have noticed increase in weight. I don’t understand this. I have been a lifetime member on a weightloss program since 2003 and know all about how to maintain a healhty weight, but this is throwing me for a loop. Are there any chances whatsoever that the tea is causing this gain?
What about the ‘hyperforin’ angle? I am currently trying SJW after a bad/good experience with an SSRI. While the SSRI undoubtedly made me feel better and eased my anxiety (the latter being the main reason I was taking it), I had debilitating fatigue, felt unmotivated and… gained 15 pounds within six months. So I’ve recently switched to SJW. I chose a German brand standardized to contain hyperforin, which is supposed to be more effective, and/or more certain to be effective. Or is it? I need to order this brand online and it’s very expensive compared to others. It would be nice if I could just pick up some SJW at my local health store instead. So I would like to know your opinion on this. Thx.
To Roma. Probably best to try a pharmaceutical grade brand of SJW (such as Integrative Therapeutics) and see how you do.
Dr. R
Thank you for the post. I myself was diagnosed with severe Depression round 17 (the teen years where we are going through many hormonal and emotional changes) and took Zoloft for a year. I had a rather severe case, so I assume Zoloft might have helped a bit, but I can never be quite sure. I begged to be taken off as I started to feel “numb” as you mentioned, and it almost felt as if it was doing more harm then good I managed to easily stop taking it in a year(thank goodness!). A couple years later I was having troubles again, and started doing consistent courses of STW and Fish oil. They helped subtly, but tremendously. The only side not was that SJW gave me rather intense skin pain when I was in the sun. While I was taking it, every time I had been in the sun, when I walked into the shade it felt as if my skin was icy cold and prickly, so I had to stop taking it…
Carina Gibson
I have patients who have been using it continuously for as long as 15 years without any problems. I am sure your primary care doctor is checking routine blood tests during your check-ups and these would include liver tests
Dr E
Is it okay to stay on SJW indefinitely, or could it compromise liver function, etc.?
Interesting article. Thanks, DR. Edelberg!
All herbs and prescription meds are capable of interactions but most of these are harmless. You’d need to ask your doctor although much of the information about these interactions is available online
Dr E
Does this natural supplement interact with prescription medication?