Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones

Let me start by saying that in real life, endocrinologists are probably nice people and not the arrogant, dismissive and too frequently rude specialists that have been reported to me by patients over the years. One of them, over at the mega-medical center a few blocks away is notorious for tossing into her wastebasket any patient’s supply of natural thyroid and writing Synthroid instead. Most regard “adrenal fatigue” as a Google “quack diagnosis”.

So I wasn’t the least surprised by the supercilious answer given online to a patient writing to an endocrinologist for his opinion about the DUTCH test for hormones. His spoiler alert answer, “If you’re concerned about your hormones, just come to a real endocrinologist”.

Personally, I think the DUTCH is pretty amazing. DUTCH itself stands for Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones. It was developed over a decade by Precision Analytical, a lab in Oregon. It had been discovered that samples of dried urine could retain your hormonal properties and allow a very complete picture of why, for example, you’re experiencing PMS, severe cramps, afternoon exhaustion, brain fog, premenopausal hot flashes, a disappearing libido and any of two dozen more symptoms where you knew your hormones felt “out of whack”. Take a look at the sample report here. But remember, scroll down slowly, it is quite long. Your hormones are more complicated than you think. Well, maybe you know they’re complicated but when you start telling your doctor, all you get is another prescription for birth control pills.

The main problem Precision has faced (in my opinion) is mainstream medicine. The clinical consultants for Precision are Naturopathic Doctors (to this day unlicensed in most States). Instead of trying to learn something from Naturopaths, M.D.’s just slam the doors to them. The main practitioners who order the DUTCH are Functional and Integrative physicians, chiropractors, nutritionists, nurse practitioners. Interpreting the DUTCH report takes time, although the DUTCH website has much to offer in educational material.

Precision/DUTCH also offers great webinars, and if you are in the foothills of menopause, sign up for this one, conducted by Tori Hudson, N.D. Dr.Hudson is a Professor at several naturopathic medical colleges and owner of the Vitanica line of women’s supplements. I took my first course from Tori in naturopathic approaches to women’s health care in 1994 or so, and what an eye opener that was!

There are several DUTCH tests available, but the two most commonly used are the DUTCH Sex Hormone, DUTCH Complete (shown in example) which is $300 and the DUTCH PLUS, adding saliva for adrenal cortisol testing which is $400. Ask your WholeHealth Chicago practitioner which is best for your needs. You’ll receive an email invoice from and when you pay the invoice, the test is FedExed to you.

In an ideal world, you and your practitioner receive the results at the same time. Be sure to schedule a “DUTCH Review”, although it wouldn’t hurt to use the DUTCH website for some self education beforehand.

For a chuckle, show the test to your PCP or gyne and ask what she thinks. Okay, yes, that’s being unnecessarily snarky.

Be well,
David Edelberg, MD


    I’ve been on HRT for nine years, the last five or so I worked with Dr. Scott to tweak. At my last gyne appt (I had a new, very young lady as my long time dr retired) she told me I needed to stop HRT and if symptoms returned, she’d put me on an antidepressant!!!! No thank you ma’am. She won’t see me again. I have another tweak session soon and look forward to meeting the new dr in Mt Greenwood.

    Karen Rice
    Posted July 12, 2024 at 10:42 am

    I’m interested in hearing more about the Dutch complete test, also the cost, and how I read the results

    Renee regal
    Posted July 9, 2024 at 3:49 pm

    I read your blogs and quietly smile, happy to have you in my court. Today I had to reply, as menopause hit me hard two years ago, and I’m still constantly tweaking my HRT in order to find the right balance. Having Wendy and now Brett, who have helped me navigate all of the symptoms, is a blessing. I have (on the side) met with some docs over at the big hospital who looked at me and said “we don’t prescribe any women testosterone.” It’s simply unacceptable that western docs do not want to acknowledge how debilitating hormone loss is, and how easy it is to help us remedy those symptoms. I came to you almost a decade ago with thyroid issues and you helped me navigate then. I am grateful to you Dr Edelberg, for listening, for being open to other modalities, for researching, and always sharing with us. You have helped me tremendously.

    Nina Ginatta
    Posted July 9, 2024 at 7:58 am

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