Benefits of a Whole Food Diet

Health Tips / Benefits of a Whole Food Diet

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In my last health tip we discussed the damaging effects of all the sugar we’re eating. I urged you to boost your intake of whole foods–real fruits and vegetables that are so readily available now in the farmers markets of our northern hemisphere.

Eliminating sugar-and-calorie-rich, nutrition-poor junk and processed foods from your diet and replacing them with actual food produces real results: in your energy levels, appearance, and overall good health.

You will:
Have more energy because you’ll be giving your body the nutrition it needs to function efficiently.
Ease PMS and perimenopause symptoms when you eliminate the junk from your diet.
Increase the feel-good serotonin in your brain and tolerate stress better.
Be smarter. The antioxidants in the fruits and veggies help improve memory and will make you feel mentally sharper.
Improve digestion, with all the fiber from that fresh produce.
Start looking more vibrant as your skin, hair, nails, muscles, and eyes benefit richly from the essential fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, and antioxidants.
Reduce your chances of developing degenerative diseases, such as heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, macular degeneration, high blood pressure, diabetes, and arthritis.
Stay younger longer. You’ll be slowing the rate at which you age because of antioxidant-rich food choices.