Crystal and Gem Therapy

Health Tips / Crystal and Gem Therapy

What Is It?

Crystal and gem therapy is the use of semiprecious and precious stones to enhance mental, spiritual, and physical healing. It is based on the belief that certain crystals and gems possess a powerful energy that can positively affect imbalances in human energy fields and thus promote health and well-being. Practitioners believe that some stones direct their energy toward emotional states, while others affect certain organs through contact with the body’s related energy centers (known as meridians in traditional Chinese medicine and chakras in Indian Ayurveda).

Although there is no formal scientific evidence to suggest that crystals or gemstones have any power whatsoever (in fact they produce no scientifically discernable energy), they have nevertheless been used for centuries by astrologers, diviners, priests, Buddhist monks, and others. Today the stones are employed not only by crystal and gemstone therapists, but also by some reflexologists, aromatherapists, kinesiologists, spiritual healers, and other alternative practitioners.

During a crystal and gem therapy session, the practitioner may ask you to lie down on a comfortable bed or on a table. Quiet music may be played as the therapist places stones of specific color, pattern, or type around your body or on specific energy centers, depending on your ailment. If you have pain in a particular place, the practitioner may place a stone over the site of the pain for 20 to 40 minutes. Practitioners may also suggest that you put individual stones around your home, carry them in your pocket, or wear them around your neck or elsewhere on your body. The stones are sold through some health-food stores, and are also available from hobby and mineral shops.

Some therapists also make healing crystal and gem “essences.” They do this by immersing a stone in purified water or by crushing it, putting the pieces in a “mother tincture,” and then diluting the tincture. Essences are typically placed under the tongue with a dropper, although they can also be applied to the body topically.

Because of the lack of scientific evidence, most crystal and gem healers do not make direct health claims, such as rock crystal “cures” stomachache. Rather they suggest that the stones act upon negative thoughts and emotions, which can produce ill health.

Among the stones commonly used in crystal and gemstone therapy are quartz, which is said to help relieve emotional extremes; jade, which is thought to bring composure, peacefulness, and wisdom; malachite, which is said to uncover emotional traumas associated with the heart chakra; and diamonds, which may help protect from “negative” energy fields. There more than 200 other stones used in crystal and gem therapy as well.

How To Choose a Practitioner

Because there are no widely accepted standards for becoming a crystal and gemstone therapist, your best bet is to consult with another alternative practitioner you trust to get a recommendation.


Crystal and gem therapy should never be considered a substitute for medical diagnosis and care.

Some crystals and gems–turquoise and malachite, for example–should not be used to make essences, as they contain copper and are poisonous when taken orally.

Be well,
David Edelberg, MD