Chiropractic Medicine

Services / Chiropractic Medicine
Chiropractic Medicine

Safe natural therapy to heal illness and improve well-being

Chiropractic is the best known and most widely used alternative therapy in the US today. In most states, chiropractic physicians are primary-care, first-contact physicians who use a conservative, holistic, and integrative approach to patient care.  Chiropractic doctors treat, correct, and prevent neurological, skeletal, and soft tissue dysfunction by employing manipulation of the spine and other joints. They use other conservative means for promoting wellness, including nutritional counseling, physiologic therapeutics (such as light, water, heat, cold, and massage), meridian therapy/acupuncture, trigger point therapy, exercise, lifestyle counseling, botanical medicine, homeopathic remedies, emotional support, and stress management.


Dr. Joshua Hover, DC

Dr. Joshua Hover, DC

Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine

Dr. Joshua Hover was raised in Battle Creek, MI where he was an avid participant in all sports growing up. “Dr. J” started playing hockey at the age of 3 and used the athleticism he built from this sport to excel in many other athletic endeavors throughout grade school and high school.

Dr. Mitchell Katz, DC

Dr. Mitchell Katz, DC

Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine

Dr. Katz is certified as both a chiropractic sports physician and a rehabilitation specialist. He has extensive experience working with athletes and served as the official chiropractor for the Chicago Bears from 1991 thru 2004, and as a chiropractor for Trinity University and Highland Park High School teams.

Health Tips

Trigger Point Therapy
Wholehealth Chicago Partners With Chicago’s Finest Trigger Point Therapy Team

Let me tell you about Mary Biancalana and the value of myofascial trigger point therapy. A lifelong fitness expert and personal trainer, in her early thirties Mary found herself with chronic headaches. First, she was told they were ‘psychological,’ then a manifestation of a little understood term called “trigger points” and another condition she’d never […]

WholeHealth Chicago
Functional Telemedicine, Wherever You Are

All things considered, we’ve rather enjoyed our telemedicine interactions with patients. Doctoring this way also recently provided me with an Aha! moment. What I realized was that much of what we do as Functional Medicine specialists, both diagnosis and treatment, can be done online with you never leaving your home. Such a consultation would include […]

WholeHealth Chicago
Taking Care of Yourself while Staying Home

Seeing Your Chiropractic Physician via Telemedicine? Absolutely! I know what you’re thinking. ‘How can you possibly give me an adjustment during a video conference?’  The short answer is I can’t, but when coming to our office for an in-person appointment is difficult or impossible, I can continue to help. As a chiropractic physician, I’ve been […]

WholeHealth Chicago
My Integrative Medicine Comeuppance

About six weeks ago, I was in the Loop just leaving the international Lyme disease conference, briefcase in one hand, shopping bag filled with I-don’t-remember-what in the other, when my foot caught an irregular sidewalk crack and down I went, hard, landing full force on my left shoulder. (Permission to cringe.) I was immediately helped […]

WholeHealth Chicago
Pain Management Specialists Get A Reality Check

The front-and-center coverage of America’s opioid crisis is certainly affecting the two groups most involved: physicians and people in chronic pain. There are so many rules and restrictions on opioid prescribing that many physicians simply don’t bother any more, referring their chronic pain patients to pain management (PM) specialists. As well-intentioned as PM physicians may […]

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