Physical Therapy

Services / Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy is a common treatment that helps patients recover or improve health conditions that affect how we move! It combines exercises, stretches, movement, and at home guidance to help you move safely and confidently. We also offer pelvic floor evaluations and treatment plan for patients with all gender identities.

Trigger Point Therapy is a treatment that involves applying focused pressure with movement to specific points on the body that cause referred pain. We often combine this with injections to both increase healing and patient comfort during the treatment. The goal is to release tension, allieve pain, and improve movement patterns.


Jaclyn McGovern, PT, DPT

Jaclyn McGovern, PT, DPT

Physical Therapist

Jaclyn McGovern is a doctor of physical therapy who specializes in the treatment of orthopedic and women’s health conditions. She is passionate in multi-faceted treatment approaches incorporating manual therapy techniques

Mark Hagerty, APN

Mary Biancalana, MS Edu, CMTPT, LMT, CPT

Board Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist

Mary Biancalana is a nationally recognized subject matter expert in myofascial trigger point therapy. She has 23 years of full-time experience working to eliminate muscle pain and improve muscle performance. Mary came to have a passion for drug-free pain relief treatments after working at a integrative Fibromyalgia clinic 22 years ago here in Chicago.

Health Tips

animal glands

A surprising number of so-called alternative therapies actually have their roots in very conservative conventional medicine. While reflexology (once called Zone Therapy) is arguably thousands of years old, its modern use was made popular by an ear-nose-throat specialist who used the pressure from rubber bands applied to the fingers and toes for surgical anesthesia.  The […]

WholeHealth Chicago
A New Treatment For Chronic Anxiety

Far and away, the most common mental illness troubling the human animal is Generalized Anxiety Disorder, which can make life really miserable for almost 25% of women and 15% of men. When it’s not “chronic”, i.e., with you all the time, a little anxiety is actually useful. You feel a little anxious when you’re deciding […]

chronic illness
Prevention/Treatment Of All Chronic Illnesses

Here at WholeHealth Chicago we’re introducing a bevy of new treatments aimed at preventing and even treating virtually all chronic symptoms and disease illnesses, the ‘bad stuff’ life can throw you when you least expect it during the decades ahead. “Wait! Hold on!”, you splutter. “Do you actually mean ‘all’ diseases?”. “Yes, let me explain.” […]

Peptides For Longevity

Our WholeHealth Chicago patients are a different breed. Take a glance around our waiting room or apothecary to see what a patient population engaged in maintaining good health actually looks like. Even the beginners, perhaps overweight or out of shape, are working on self improvement. The office abounds with people turning over their new leaves. […]

Peptides As Aphrodisiacs (Big Pharma Rescues Your Sex Life)

It seems that men wanted to control female sexuality since the dawn of time.  “Aphrodisiacs” (named after Aphrodite, Greek goddess of love and desire) appear in the medical writings of ancient Greece, and in Chinese medicine a combination of acupuncture and herbs apparently worked wonders. Ayurvedic practitioners may have suspected that spinal chiropractic manipulation was […]

WholeHealth Chicago Apothecary

Our apothecary offers a wide array of high-quality natural products.

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