Now that the weather is warming up and you’re reaching for a sleeveless blouse or T-shirt, you may be once again noticing some unusual skin spots you hoped would go away.
As we age, it’s not uncommon to develop what are known as skin tags, which is an overgrowth of skin sometimes called a soft wart, or soft fibroma. They’re typically flesh-colored or brownish, smooth or wrinkled, and they can be very small to as large as a grape.
About 25 percent of adults have these tiny bits of hanging skin. Studies have shown that genetics play a part in the development of skin tags, so if skin tags run in your family, you may be more likely to develop them.
Luckily, the Center for Holistic Medicine is pleased to announce that starting this month, Dr. Cheryl Schwartz is now offering skin tag removals in our office.
Before you lose any sleep over discovering a skin tag, here are three things you should know:
- What causes a skin tag?
Skin tags are most often caused by irritation or friction that comes from skin and clothing rubbing together. People frequently get them around the neck where their collars, ties, or necklaces sit, but they can appear anywhere. The armpits and groin are common locations as well. - Should I be concerned about a skin tag?
Skin tags are benign. In fact, reports of skin cancers resulting from skin tags are extremely rare, and there are not any particular skin conditions or symptoms associated with them. They are typically painless. - Do I need to have a skin tag removed?
Skin tags do not need to be removed unless they become bothersome to you, or unless you want them removed for cosmetic reasons. The removal procedure is simple.According to Dr. Schwartz, a basic local skin exam is done prior to removal to make sure the skin lesion really is a tag and not something else.
This short and simple procedure can be done with no real down time and takes only a few minutes. It’s so painless, most people don’t even need the area numbed, though Dr. Schwartz is happy to do it by request.
Contact us today to schedule a skin tag removal with Dr. Schwartz.