Q&A: How do Congestion and Runny Nose Coexist in Allergies?

Health Tips / Q&A: How do Congestion and Runny Nose Coexist in Allergies?

Q: How can a single allergy medicine work to relieve runny nose and  congestion…two opposite conditions?

A: Runny nose and congestion seem like two opposite problems but they’re actually variations on a theme. When the substance causing the allergy (such as pollen) lands on the lining of your nose and sinuses, it triggers the release of a substance called histamine. The histamine in turn triggers both a watery discharge (runny nose) and swelling of the membranes (congestion).

An antihistamine, whether a prescription drug like Claritin or Allegra or a natural product like Natural D-Hist, acts to block this histamine effect. However, antihistamines work better on discharge than they do on swelling. Euphorbium can help with congestion, but another excellent natural product available at health food stores is the Olbas Nasal Inhaler, which contains menthol and eucalyptus.

When you use your Olbas (as often as necessary), everything opens up almost magically.