Lifestyle Medicine

Services / Lifestyle Medicine
Lifestyle Medicine

Lifestyle medicine is a comprehensive way to prevent, treat, and cure.

The American College of Lifestyle Medicine defines Lifestyle Medicine as the use of evidence-based lifestyle therapeutic intervention, including a whole-food, plan-predominant eating pattern, regular physical activity, restorative sleep, stress management, avoidance of risky substances, and positive social connection, as a primary modality, delivered by clinicians trained and certified in this specialty, to prevent, treat, and often reverse chronic disease.

At WholeHealth Chicago, we partner with you to create a lifestyle plan that works for you. We meet you where you are at and encourage you throughout your healing path.

  • Nutrition Counseling
  • Meal Planning
  • Stress Management
  • Exercise & Sleep Plans

Health Tips


Actually, after many years, the term has been changed to a more politically correct one: Illness Anxiety Disorder.  Naturally, some degree of anxiety is totally appropriate when you are confronted with anything that might bring you protracted physical discomfort or shorten your precious lifespan (“Could this be it? The top line item on my Death […]


 Okay, so this Health Tip seems pretty important. After a certain age, every person fears getting cancer (and believe me, doctors are just as fearful as everyone else!). Being told by a health care professional, “I’m sorry but the biopsy confirmed it. You have cancer,” or “We need to find you a good oncologist.”, that […]

I’m Taking So Many Meds! What Can I Stop? Part One: Antidepressants

Although many new patients arrive at WholeHealth Chicago with chronic symptoms and a history of no help elsewhere (“You’re my 12th doctor.”). Others pour out a bagful of medications with a mournful, “I’ve got to get off of some of these!”. Going off a bevy of psych meds is a popular request, especially when the […]

Reversing Cognitive Decline and Preventing Alzheimer’s

You saw a movie last week and in discussing it with friends simply can’t remember the important parts. Plus you just missed another appointment. Planning to drive to a north suburb, you instead got on the southbound expressway and after 15 minutes of Loop traffic realized your error. You’re mixing up words and forgetting too […]

”Leaky Brain” the True Villain Behind “Brain Fog”

In the physiology and neurology classes of medical school, you learn a lot about the importance of something called the “blood brain barrier”. You’ve seen blood, of course. The bright red liquid carrying oxygen, nutrients, etc., etc. But your brain and spinal fluid should always be crystal clear, unless infected or inflamed. Separating blood from […]

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